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Vocabulary Test: vocab monochrome...
monochrome, monocle, monolingual, monolith, monologue, monophobia, monopoly, monorail, monosyllabic, monotone

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Vocabulary Test: history quiz
Mexican-American War, territory, annex, diplomacy, justifiable, dictator, Texas War for Independence, Louisiana Purchase, divine, manifest destiny, motives, Lewis and Clark Expedition, Sacajawea, rendezvous, rancho, legacy, stimulated, Oregon Trail, status, prospect, Mormons, prosecuted, Forty-niners, tradition, irrigation, Mexicanos, Accompaniment, procession

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Mini Quiz
gregarious, bewilder, divulge, pinnacle, cantankerous, angst, sanctuary, eccentric, conniption, arduous, debilitate, emulate, nondescript, ominous, plethora

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Vocabulary Test: a separate peace vocab
Undulation, Inveigle, Inebriating, Prodigious, Venerable, Insidious, Effulgence, Mordantly, Inveigle, Enmity

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Vocabulary Test: Yes Sir! I'm Ready to Play Sir!
rushing, virtually, sacrificed, cram, opportunity, option, chaos, convinced, perspective, considerably

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Vocabulary Test: The Street
stole, baffled, clamor, dispirited, solemnly, vague, flayed, stark, poised

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Vocabulary Test: Dear Levi,...Vocab Quiz
territory, hitch, yoke, Pa's claim, suckeyes, recite, nudge, river's current, whimper, pincers, dysentery, upstream, concoction, wander, homesick, malady, leghorn, militia, grief, prairie

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Vocabulary Test: lucie
attractive, burden, consent, dependable, indicate, previous, qualify, response, shabby, thaw, urgent, vanity

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Vocabulary Test: World History Chapter 6
Mesoamerica, Maize, Olmecs, Stela, Valley of Mexico, Tenochtitlan, Chinampas, Tribute, Teotihuacan, Chavin, Moche, Adobe, Nazca, Huari, Tiahuanaco, Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui, Sapa Inca, Cuzco, Quipu, Ayllu, Inti, Mesa Verde, Pueblo, Pueblo Bonito, Kiva, Earthwork, Cahokia, Potlatch, Iroquois League

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Vocabulary Test: week 6
humble, confident, faithful, radiate, pledge, prevail, overlook

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Vocabulary Test: Sleds on Boston Common Vocabulary Quiz
navigation, instruct, swagger, patriots, tyrant, stark, governor, spunk

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz
Pleonasm, Revenant, Acme, Irrefragable, Rapine, Copacetic, Lionize

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Vocabulary Test: help and improvement
amelioration, assuage, compensate, conserve, constructive, enhance, enrichment, neutralize, preservation, redeem

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Vocabulary Test: Mildenhall Chapter 6
ann, enn, audi, audio, cycl, cyclo, -hood, hyper-, -ly, non-, path, pathy, pend, quart, quadr

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Vocabulary Test: Cullimore Unit 1
colossal, conflagration, contrivance, cunning, debris, disrupted, flank, lavishly, lurid, perpendicular

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Vocabulary Test: Cullimore Unit 8
burly, conspicuous, converse, crane, deference, dogged, gait, grizzled, shuffle, thrust

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Vocabulary Test: Cullimore Unit 9
conjurer, emaciated, fidelity, grapple, impenetrable, insensibility, parch, quiver, sagacity, subsistence

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Vocabulary Test: Flowers for Algernon Vocab Quiz
absent-minded, introspective, syndromes, amnesia, impaired, limitations, naivete, illiteracy, refute, tangible, eye-q (IQ), senility, obscure, specter, psychology

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Vocabulary Test: Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat
mope, clutched, contribute, tinker, terrific, compete, aloft, recreation, spirit, deserve, actuate, laugh, either, second, you're, great, certainly, worst

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Vocabulary Test: vocabulary 3
twilight, aromatic, conversation, caress, mantel, gratitude, coonskin, outskirts, threadbare, satisfied, insincere, insane, disconnect, disorder, misfortune, misspell
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