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Vocabulary Test: my Words:fluid, liquid, gas, pressure, intermolecular forces, melting point, boiling point, evaporation, condensation, convection, solid, strength
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Vocabulary Test: my Words:suburb, hilarious, emulate, veto, colossal, pronto
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Vocabulary Test: MYWords:quadrant , ordered pair, x-axis, y-axis, origin , like terms , coefficient , term
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Vocabulary Test: myWords:моём, моим, моими, моему, моих , моей, моего, мою, мои, моё, моя, мой
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Vocabulary Test: selfWords:nPow, nAch, David McClelland, Three needs thory, two factory theory also known as, Herzbergs two factor theory, Theory X, Theory Y, McGegors Theory, Maslows Hierarcy of Needs. (in order)
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary for myselfWords:an infant, have a thought, sleep deprivation, getting curious about smth and dive in, become pretty good at smth, read all of this stuff, it isnot rocket science , learn through trial and error, read a bunch of books or websites, ultra competetive field, focused deliberate practice, massive improvements, vividly remember, to be yet to V1
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Vocabulary Test: Me, Myself, and I Vocab Quiz CopyWords:mood, misanthrope, narrative point of view, paradox, pensive, personification, pundit, simile, structure, stanza, temperament, third person omniscient, Tone, metaphor, litany
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Vocabulary Test: the emperors silent army CopyWords:dignified, lustrous, distinct, excavate, replicas, archaeologists, elaborate., mythical, temperaments, precede
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: By MyselfWords:dimple, gospel, apologized, disgusted, conspiracy, daintily , desperation, frolic, gratified, mentioned, miserable, promptly
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Vocabulary Test: my self quizWords:Roblox, Flamingo, yes, zoinks, Baby Boo: MAMA MILKY, super mega epic gamer, EmKay, rut row raggy, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, tower of dang aka climb time, eek
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Vocabulary Test: Me, Myself, and I Vocab QuizWords:Tone, third person omniscient, temperament, structure, stanza, simile, pundit, personi fication, pensive, paradox, narrative point of view, mood, misanthrope, metaphor, litany
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Vocabulary Test: test 16 by my selfWords:bleat, preach, speak, streak, feast, head, dead, stead, tread, dread, thread, sweat, death
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Vocabulary Test: 8 week Fix It Grammar - Lev 2 Words:assorted, overflowed, adventure, wicker, master, orchard, produce, certain, snuck, drowsy, stifled, approached, crept, abruptly, jolted, tumbled, located , eager, trembled, rumbled, noisily, terrified, prized, dismayed, sturdy, fetch, naturally , fled, shattered , newcomer, recalled, lengthy
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Vocabulary Test: le façonnage (manuel et mécanique)Words:introduction, les phases du manuel, les phases du mécanique, le dégazage (manuel), le laminage (mécanique), le pliage (manuel), l'enroulement (mécanique), l'allongement (manuel), l'allongement (mécanique), NB (manuel), NB (mécanique), réglages de la façonneuse
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Vocabulary Test: la division ou pesage et la mise en formeWords:définition, les trois méthodes pour diviser une pâte, le pesage manuel, avantages du pesage manuel, inconvénients du pesage manuel, les + (pesage manuel), la division semi-automatique, avantages de la division semi-automatique, inconvénients de la division semi-automatique, les + (division semi-automatique), la division automatique, avantages de la division automatique, inconvénients de la division automatique, la mise en forme, rôles de la mise en forme, mise en forme /!\
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Vocabulary Test: Week 8a Vocab QuizWords:Gerrymandering, House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, Session, Maryland General Assembly, House of Delegates, State Senate, Census:, Reapportionment, Constituents
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Vocabulary Test: Some Common SuffixesWords:-able or -ible. (Examples: breakable, horrible), -ance or ence (Examples: continuance, esidence), -en (Examples: lighten, wooden), -ful (Examples: plentiful, wonderful), -ic ( Example: romantic), -ion (Example: satisfaction), -ish (Example: childish), -ist (Example: artist), -less (Example: thoughtless), -ly (Examples: foolishly, heavenly), -ment (Example: encouragement), -ness (Example: darkness), -ous (Example: hazardous), -ship (Example: relationship), -tion or ation (Example: reaction)
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Vocabulary Test: ENGL 1065-Week Eight Vocab CopyWords:email etiquette, email subject, reply, informal, formal, total grade, feedback, comment, title, text, effective, ineffective
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Vocabulary Test: Some Standard PrefixesWords:anti-, auto-, co-, contra-, dis-, il-, in-, im-, inter, micro, mid, mis, non-, pre-, post-, re-, quad-, sub-, trans-, uni
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Vocabulary Test: TN Ready Vocab Test - Week 2 Grade 5Words:pioneer, advantage, nuisance, economy, penalize, convenient , intend , essential , appreciate , humar
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: new dealWords:Speculation, Black tuesday, Great depression, bread line, Hooverville, Tenant farmer, Dust bowl, Okies, Reparations, Trickle down economics, Hoover dam, Bonus army, New deal, Second new deal, Collective bargaining, Sit down strikes, Court packing, Black cabinet, New Indian deal
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Vocabulary Test: list 7Words:cynical , Ambivalent, Demagogue, Demure, Intrepid, Destitute, Erudite, Dilemma, Culmination, Concur
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 5a grade 9Words:arbitrary, catalyst, facilitate, incorrigible, militant, paramount, rebut, reprimand, servitude, slapdash
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Vocabulary Test: Module 16 Vocab Post-Test 2025 Words:nativists, clergy, outspoken, emancipation, abolition, common school movement, temperance movement, reformers, middle class, tenements, conversion, utopian communities, philosopher, transcendentalism, persecution, renewal
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Vocabulary Test: Migration Vocabulary POSTTest 25 Copy CopyWords:gateway city, immigrant, genetic marker, guest worker, informal economy, multiculturalism, internal migration , migrant, migration, integration, urban sprawl, DNA, diversity, population density, chain migration
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Vocabulary Test: Happiness Chapter 5Words:dignity, empathy, cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, self-compassion, resilience, happiness, mind-set, growth mind-set, fixed mind-set, purpose, optimistic, pessimistic, attitude , rumination, gratitude, mindfulness, outlook, self-talk, diversity, self-respect
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Vocabulary Test: Wrinkle in Time Ch 8Words:transparent, submit, sadist, pinion, misconception, pedantic, henchmen, annihilate, primitive, hysterical
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test 03/20Words:Skill, Resume, Reference, Qualification, Pre-Employment Test, Interview, Hire, Credentials, Career, Body Language, Application, Occupation, Experience
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz Words:Perplex, Sparse, Overcome, Emerge, Crucial, Duplicate, Accomplish, Independent, Peculiar, Combinations
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Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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