Paucity Crossword
1) undeveloped, beginning, nascent, immature2) implied, insinuated, suggested3) beginner, novice4) unintentionally5) freeof cunning or deceit8) not easily disturbed10) to treat scornfully,13) wordy, talkative15) happy, appropriate, suitably expressed17) emotional speech, tirade, a lecture18) seeking favor by flattering19) to incite, to arouse, to instigate |
4) unchangeable5) to prod, to urge on6) incapable of being pleased, inflexible7) to deny, to dispute, to contradict9) showing no emotion11) scarcity,dearth12) exaggeration for effect14) tear out, scoop up, overcharge15) thrift16) bombastic, lofty style of speech18) to prevent, to delay20) collapse21) droop, grow weak |