Vocab 2 Crossword
Down: 1) 1) resign position, to give up a high office formally, especially the throne 2) neglect duty: to fail to fulfill a duty or responsibility2) lacking in spirit or imagination, dull3) resembling a peacock, especially the colors and designs of its tail4) calm, sluggish, unemotional6) hastily or rashly energetic, impulsive and vehement7) cut down, reduce, to cut out, excise, to pare away, remove8) implied, not explicitly stated9) suggesting, suggestive or reminiscent of something having a particular smell; aromatic10) characterized by or given to pretentious display; showy11) to treat as a pet12) to assail by words or argument; to oppose or attack as false or lacking14) calm temperament, evenness of temper even under stress17) fluent, verbal, having easy use of language18) with fluffy appearance, having a fluffy or woolly appearance; with woolly masses22) power, strength adj form means powerful, strong27) revealing no emotion29) delicate, ornamental design30) menacing, threatening33) to block or obstruct noun form synonymous with obstruction or closure34) an outcome or solution, the unraveling of a plot35) to pass through a membrane or permeable substance; exude38) marked by extreme calm, impassivity and steadiness40) childish, immature, jejune, nugatory41) pompous, grandiloquent44) a song of grief or lamentation46) exhibiting or relating to design or purpose especially in nature48) to dry out or dehydrate; to make dry or dull50) excessively wasteful, recklessly extravagant54) disuse55) sociable, outgoing, enjoying the company of other people56) the quality of being generously noble in the mind and heart, especially in forgiving59) to aver, allege or assert60) severely criticize or punish62) toady, servile, self-seeking flatterer; parasite63) unorthodox, heretical, iconoclastic65) playful, humorous68) a song or hymn of praise or thanksgiving70) beg, sponge; to mendicate, to beg72) lukewarm, unenthusiastic; showing little enthusiasm or warmth Across: 4) abundant in size, force or extent; extraordinary5) pure, uncorrupted, clean7) disloyal to a cause or duty13) the condition of being untruthful, dishonesty15) farthest or highest point, culmination, zenith16) conspicuous, especially conspicuously bad; flagrant19) a blindly devoted patriot20) tending or intended to cause delay; characterized by procrastination21) speak bombastically, to speak at length in a pompous, self-aggrandizing way23) to deliberately avoid the truth; to mislead24) regretful, penitent, seeking forgiveness25) artless, frank and candid, lacking sophistication26) an act of applying oil or ointment anointing28) cheap, flashy, gaudy, showy, tawdry; attracting by false show31) lacking authenticity or validity, false, counterfeit32) difficult or embarrassing situation36) devotion to pleasurable pursuits, especially those pleasurable to the senses37) appearance of being true, something that only seems real (something specious)39) extreme boldness; presumptuousness42) pointlessly talkative; talking too much43) steadfast and courageous45) to use harsh, condemnatory language, to abuse or censure severely; abusively berate47) unmoving, lethargic, sluggish49) brief, fleeting (transient)51) a disposition in favor of something, preference52) relating to or resembling a poisonous or foul smell53) to loudly attack or denounce57) the concluding part of a speech; flowery, rhetorical speech58) to make known (as a doctrine) by open declaration61) seeming true but actually being fallacious; misleading attractive, having a false look of truth or genuineness64) the supporting structural cross part of a wing66) 1) relating to genetic reappearance 2) uncivilized and instinctive: relating to or displaying what is the product of impulses long since suppressed by society67) refusing to compromise69) sharply perceptive, keen, penetrating71) rising again into being or rigor73) swell out; to stick out from the surroundings in a bulging, rounded way74) one who attacks or undermines traditional conventions or institutions75) offering or providing help, functioning in a subsidiary capacity76) to give off or reflect light in bright beams or flashes; sparkle (to be brilliant or showy in technique or style)77) one with an amateur or superficial interest in the arts or a branch of knowledge78) hidden, concealed, difficult to understand, obscure; requiring special knowledge to be understood79) truthfulness, honesty80) a natural predisposition or inclination


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