World History Crossword
Down: 1) A temple dedicated to the goddess Athena2) City located in Attica, just north of the Peloponnesus3) An Athenian stonesmason and philosopher4) Free residents6) Known as the Father of History7) Type of government where the rule is in the hands of a small, wealthy elite8) A mythical 10-yr war between Mycenae and the city of Troy9) An ancient Hellenistic city in Egypt12) Governement by the people13) People who gained power by force15) A massive tactical formation of heavily armed foot soldiers17) Someone who seeks to understand and explain life; a person who studies philosophy18) Murder of a public figure20) Absorbed21) Under this system, citizens take part directly in the day-to-day affairs of government23) Plays that told stories of human suffering that usually ended in disaster24) The theory of a sun-centered solar system26) To banish, or send away, a public figure whom they saw as a threat to their democracy28) A ruler that hired Aristotle as a tutor for his son Alexander29) Plato's most famous student who developed his own ideas about government30) Watercolor paintings done on wet plaster33) A city-state in Greece that the Dorians built35) Socrates' student Across: 2) High city with great marble temples dedicated to different gods and goddesses5) Areas dedicated to the honor of gods and goddesses9) The most famous Hellenistic scientist that applied the principles of physics to make practical inventions10) Narrow water passages connecting the Mediterranean and Black seas11) Blind poet who wandered from village to village, singing of heroic deeds14) The art of skillful speaking16) A type of government in which a hereditary ruler exercises central power18) A type of government where rule is by hereditary landholding elite19) Rational thinking22) A formula to calculate the relationship between the sides of a right triangle25) A panel of citizens who have authority to make the final judgment in a trial27) Lawmaking body that debates laws before deciding to approve or reject them28) An Athen's ruler31) A famous architect32) A formal agreement between two or more nations or powers to cooperate and come to one another's defense34) A Greek physician that studied the causes of illnesses and looked for cures.36) city-state37) A fixed salary38) Humorous plays that mocked people or customs39) An ancient Minoan city on the island of Crete


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