Vocab Test #3 Crossword
1) A low or downcast state; depriving one of self-esteem; decline to a lower status or level, humble, degrade.
To reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation; humble; degrade. To lower in esteem.3) Abundantly supplied; abounding: Filled to satiation; gorged. Having one's appetite completely or excessively satisfied by food and drink; stuffed.4) To make null; invalidate. To counteract the force or effectiveness of. (Law) to render legally void or of no effect. To render ineffective or useless; cancel out.5) To make greater, as in value, beauty, or effectiveness; augment.6) A great wave or surge of the sea;
any surging mass; to rise or roll in or like billows; surge; to swell out, puff up, etc., as by the action of wind.8) An intricate structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze. Something highly intricate or convoluted in character, composition, or construction. |
2) A long pompous speech, especially one delivered before a gathering. A speech or piece of writing characterized by strong feeling or expression; a tirade.7) Discernible by the touch; palpable. Possible to touch. Possible to be treated as fact; real or concrete. Possible to understand or realize. That can be valued monetarily, material assets.9) The party that institutes a suit in a court. A person who brings an action in a court of law.10) To crouch or cringe, as in fear; to show submission or fear. |