Intermefinal27 Crossword
1) 1.commercial like program: a commercial advertisement on television that is made to appear like a full-length interview or documentary program
Synonyms: commercial, ad, advertisement, promotional film, promo2) 1: gross injustice : wickedness
2: a wicked act or thing : sin
the quality of being unfair or evil
;the iniquities of slavery c
Synonyms: corruption, debauchery, depravity, immorality, iniquitousness, vice, libertinage, libertinism, licentiousness, profligacy, sin3) 1a : an oblique allusion : hint, insinuation; especially : a veiled or equivocal reflection on character or reputation b : the use of such allusions
2: a parenthetical explanation introduced into the text of a legal document
: a statement which indirectly suggests that someone has done something immoral, improper
▪ His reputation has been damaged by innuendos about his drinking and gambling. [noncount] ▪ His reputation has been damaged by innuendo.5) impossible to remove or forget
▪ an ineradicable problem
impossible to get rid of
Synonyms: indelible, enduring, ineffaceable, lasting, ingrained, stubborn, permanent, deep-seated, unforgettable, deep-rooted9) 1.make somebody intoxicated: to cause somebody to become drunk or intoxicated
2.excite somebody: to make somebody excited or exhilarated
3.intoxicated person: a drunk or intoxicated person
Synonyms: alcoholism, drunkenness, inebriation, intemperance, boozing, heavy drinking11) not capable of being imitated : matchless Synonyms: incomparable, only, matchless, nonpareil, peerless, unequaled (or unequalled), unexampled, unmatched, unparalleled, unrivaled (or unrivalled), unsurpassable, unsurpassed12) 1.set something into surface: to set pieces of material such as wood, ivory, or stone into previously cut slots in a surface to form a decorative pattern
2.decorate something with inlaid design: to decorate something such as a piece of furniture by setting pieces of wood, stone, ivory, or other material into its surface
3.pieces of material set into surface: pieces of material such as wood, ivory, or stone set into the surface of a piece of furniture to form a decorative pattern
Synonyms: tile, piece, inset, stone, glass, ivory, wood, enamel, ornament
to set pieces of wood, metal, etc., into the surface of (something) for decoration — often + with ▪ The desk is inlaid with ivory. ▪ The carpenter inlaid the furniture with intricate designs13) not liking to work or be active : lazy
▪ an indolent young man ▪ She is indolent and irresponsible.
causing little or no pain b : slow to develop or heal
Synonyms: idle, lazy, shiftless, slothful17) likely to cause damage or have a bad effect : harmful
not friendly
▪ the judge's inimical glare
being adverse often by reason of hostility or malevolence
Synonyms: adversarial, adversary, antagonistic, antipathetic, inhospitable, hostile, jaundiced, mortal, negative, unfriendly, unsympathetic |
2) an order from a court of law that says something must be done or must not be done
▪ The group has obtained an injunction to prevent the demolition of the building. — often + against ▪ The court has issued/granted an injunction against the strike
1: the act or an instance of enjoining : order, admonition
2: a writ granted by a court of equity whereby one is required to do or to refrain from doing a specified act
Synonyms: ban, order, command, ruling, sanction, embargo, restriction4) not to be persuaded, moved, or stopped : relentless
not able to be stopped or changed
▪ an inexorable conclusion
1.unstoppable: impossible to stop
Synonyms: unstoppable, inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable, unchangeable, relentless, inflexible, adamant, obdurate6) archaic : disorderly, unregulated
2: exceeding reasonable limits : immoderate
going beyond what is usual, normal, or proper
▪ I waited an inordinate amount of time. ▪ They have had an inordinate number of problems with the schedule
We had to wait an inordinately long time
1.excessive: beyond reasonable limits in amount or degree
2.unrestrained: showing a lack of restraint or control
Synonyms: excessive, undue, unwarranted, immoderate, extravagant, unreasonable, disproportionate, unconscionable, exorbitant7) the quality or state of being weak or ill especially because of old age
▪ In recent years she has had to reduce her schedule because of age and infirmity. 2 [count] : a disease or illness that usually lasts for a long time
a personal failing : foible8) a lack of skill or ability
▪ The team's poor play is being blamed on the ineptitude of the coaching staff.
the quality or state of being inept; especially : incompetence
Synonyms: impotence, inadequacy, incapability, incapacity, incompetence, incompetency, inability, insufficiency, powerlessness10) impossible to destroy, break up, or get rid of
▪ an indissoluble contract ▪ They are bound together by/with indissoluble [=permanent] ties/bonds
incapable of being annulled, undone, or broken : permanent
1.not to be undone:
Synonyms: binding, unbreakable, enduring, everlasting, eternal, permanent14) feeling or showing anger because of something that is unfair or wrong : very angry
▪ She wrote an indignant letter to the editor.
feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy
Synonyms: angered, apoplectic, ballistic, cheesed off [chiefly British], choleric, enraged, foaming, fuming, furious, hopping, horn-mad, hot, incensed, angry, inflamed15) : inconvenient, unseasonable
not suitable or right for a particular situation : inconvenient
▪ He always shows up at the most inopportune times. 2 : done or happening at the wrong time
▪ an inopportune sale of stocks
Synonyms: early, precocious, premature, unseasonable, untimely16) a : to introduce a microorganism into b : to introduce (as a microorganism) into a suitable situation for growth c : to introduce immunologically active material (as an antibody or antigen) into especially in order to treat or prevent a disease
2: to introduce something into the mind of
3: to protect as if by inoculation
to give (a person or animal) a weakened form of a disease in order to prevent infection by the disease — often + against ▪ All the children have been inoculated against smallpox
Synonyms: endue (or indue), imbue, inculcate, ingrain (also engrain), infuse, invest, steep, suffuse17) an ungrateful person
a person who does not show proper appreciation or thanks for something : an ungrateful person
▪ a spoiled ingrate18) not having or showing good judgment : revealing things that should not be revealed : not discreet
▪ He was indiscreet about his love affairs. [=he told people about his love affairs when he should have kept them secret] ; also : not polite
Synonyms: brash, graceless, ill-advised, imprudent, inadvisable, indelicate, injudicious, tactless, undiplomatic, unwise |