Intermefinal26 Crossword
Down: 1) 1: agreement in design or plan : union formed by mutual communication of opinion and views 2obsolete : musical harmony : concord 3: a public performance (as of music or dancing) Synonyms: musicale2) the act of deceiving others by pretending to be someone else [noncount] ▪ He was accused of imposture. [count] ▪ his elaborate impostures Synonyms: deception, impersonation, masquerade, imitation, pretense, faking, sham3) 1 : an improper or indecorous act or remark; especially : an unacceptable use of a word or of language 2: the quality or state of being improper rude or immoral behavior : improper behavior Synonyms: inappropriateness, incorrectness, indecency, indecorousness, indecorum, indelicateness, unbecomingness, unseemliness, untowardness4) in extreme circumstances; especially : at the point of death ▪ a patient in extremis 2 : in a very difficult situation6) : having rain and storms : stormy ▪ The game was postponed due to inclement weather. — compare clement : lacking mildness: as a archaic : severe in temper or action : unmerciful Synonyms: bleak, dirty, foul, nasty, raw, rough, squally, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent9) a woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations the woman that a man loves ▪ a story about a powerful politician and his inamorata Synonyms: gal, gill, girl, girlfriend, lady, ladylove, old lady, woman10) freedom from punishment, harm, or loss ▪ They broke the law with (complete/total) impunity. [=without fear of punishment; very freely and openly] ▪ The rioters set fires and looted with impunity. Synonyms: exemption, immunity11) 1 : not able to be captured by attack : very strong ▪ an impregnable fortress ▪ impregnable defenses 2 : not likely to be weakened or changed ▪ an impregnable reputation ▪ Her arguments seemed impregnable. Synonyms: bulletproof, invincible, indomitable, insuperable, insurmountable, invulnerable, unbeatable, unconquerable, unstoppable12) to use legal powers to get and hold (something) ▪ The police impounded her car because it was illegally parked. to seize and hold in the custody of the law c : to take possession of Synonyms: confiscate, lock up, take away, seize, possess, hold, store14) the actual word is incandescent!!!! a : white, glowing, or luminous with intense heat b : strikingly bright, radiant, or clear c : marked by brilliance especially of expression d : characterized by glowing zeal : ardent white or glowing because of great heat ▪ incandescent gas Synonyms beaming, bedazzling, brilliant, candescent, clear, dazzling, effulgent, fulgent, glowing, incandescent, lambent, lucent, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, refulgent, sheeny, shining, shiny, splendid15) a sudden invasion or attack : an act of entering a place or area that is controlled by an enemy ▪ a military incursion ▪ an incursion into enemy airspace17) 1.done spontaneously: not prepared or planned in advance 2.without prior preparation: in an unrehearsed way 3.short solo piece: a short piece of instrumental music whose style gives an impression of improvisation. Synonyms: unprepared, unrehearsed, unplanned, spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment, unarranged, ad lib, improvised, unpremeditated, extempore, ad hoc, off-the-cuff : a musical composition suggesting improvisation Across: 5) 1: troublesomely urgent : overly persistent in request or demand 2: troublesome making repeated or annoying requests or demands ▪ an importunate salesman 2 : causing annoyance or trouble Synonyms: burning, clamant, compelling, critical, crying, dire, emergent, exigent, imperative, imperious, acute, instant, necessitous, pressing, urgent7) to criticize (a person's character, intentions, etc.) by suggesting that someone is not honest and should not to be trusted a: assail b : resist8) 1 : to bring a product into a country to be sold ▪ a dealer who imports cars from Italy to the U.S. — opposite export 2 computers : to bring (something, such as data) into a file, system, etc., from another source ▪ software that makes it simple to import digital photographs onto your hard drive bear or convey as meaning or portent : signify Synonyms: count, matter, mean, signify, weigh11) able to work or continue for a very long time without becoming tired : tireless ▪ an indefatigable campaigner ▪ a person of indefatigable patience/enthusiasm/optimism Synonyms: tireless, inexhaustible, unflagging, untiring, weariless13) : to secure against hurt, loss, or damage 2: to make compensation to for incurred hurt, loss, or damage to insure or protect against loss, damage, or injury 2 : to give something in order to make up for loss,15) 1: to put in prison 2: to subject to confinement to put (someone) in prison : imprison — usually used as (be) incarcerated ▪ They were both incarcerated for armed robbery.16) 1: suffering from extreme poverty : impoverished The clinic provides free care for indigent patients. lacking money : very poor17) not able to talk or express yourself in a clear way that can be easily understood ▪ The fever made her incoherent. ▪ He was very upset and practically incoherent after the accident. ▪ an incoherent patient b : not logical or well-organized : not easy to understand Synonyms: choppy, disconnected, disjointed, unconnected


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