111 final Crossword
Down: 1) having to do with the heart3) people who can talk about your work habits and your personality5) infammation of the lungs6) a rule or law7) when 2 cars hit9) one who has died10) the time just before dack11) happening 4 times each year or every 3 months13) the way you sign your name14) an earthly story with a heavenly meaning16) dangerous17) inside the body18) the wide spread of disease21) a story you write about your life22) tells the pharmacist which medicine to sell you24) the greatest amount27) not often29) situation requiring immediate attention35) happening every 6 months38) deadly40) out of date41) stomach area42) to leave out43) people talking: conversation45) to make no good Across: 2) one who fills prescriptions4) responsible8) a part of the job search when you are talking and answering questions about your job skills12) happening once each year13) husband or wife15) another name for doctor19) breaking the law20) drunk23) outside the body25) one who rides horses26) broken bone28) where you live; your home30) a story someone writes about the life of another person31) tells perspective employers about your education, your job experience and your talents32) your boss; the person you work for33) the least amount34) the organs having to do with breathing36) a white person37) not for public knowledge; private39) for a short time44) on time46) to ask questions or talk about47) a deep wound that is a cut or tear48) written so that it is easy to read49) looking back in time


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