Preceptorship Crossword
Down: 1) avoidence; prevention2) liquid portion of the bloo with clotting proteins removed4) substance that the body regards as foreign (such as a virus, basterium, or toxin)5) amount of medication based on units per weight of animal6) to surgically remove8) disease that can be spread from one animal to another by direct or indirect contact10) "cell that eats" leukocyte that ingests foreign materials11) a machine that spins samples very rapidly to separate elements based on weight12) small cell size13) partial or complete disappearance of disease signs or symptoms15) disease produced by treatment17) examination by feeling for texture, size, consistancy, and location of body parts or masses.18) is the dtermination of the cause of disease; to know completely19) straw - colored fluid portion of blood that transports nutrients, hormones, and waste products20) prediction of the outcome of disease. to know before.21) instrument used to hold back tissue22) (solution that has) more paticles than the solution or cell to which it is being prepared. more particles outside the cell.25) within the skin27) microorganism that produces disease29) equal particles inside and outside cell30) disorder in which the eyes are not directed in a parallel manner; deviation of one or both eyes36) rod-shaped bacteria37) surgical puncture to remove fluid for diagnostic purposes or to remove fluid or gas39) a disease fighting protein produced by the body in response to the presence of a specific antigen41) mature red blood cell (oxygen-carrying cell)43) tumerous mass that does not have well defined borders and is spreading45) device by which a channel may be established for the exit of fluids from a wound46) irrigation of tissue with fluid47) having a long course with a progressive onset: persisting for a long time49) locking instrument used to grasp and ligate vessels and tissues to control bleeding58) as needed Across: 3) fever; increased body temperature7) large cell size9) a characteristic of a disease that can be sensed only by the patient; incorrect term in veterinary medicine14) withdrawing blood from a vein (usually with a needle and syringe)16) substance that relieves pain without affecting consciousness23) number of cases of disease in a population at a certain time24) under the tongue26) administration of antigen (vaccine) to stimulate a protective immune response against a specific infectious agent.28) cancerous31) having a short course with a sudden onset: implies severe32) blood specimen for microscopic examination in which blood is spread thinly scross a microscope slide and stained33) condition or unegual cell size34) blood condition in which pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria) and their tovins are present35) clumping together oc cells or particles38) an organism that lives on or in another living organism40) white blood cell (fights disease in body)42) contagious disease44) the study of the nature, causes, and development of abnormal conditions48) anticoagulant chemical released in response to injury. also used in blood tubes or as drugs.50) medical term for formation of blood51) course of treatment52) to tie or strangulate53) deficiency of white blood cells - sometimes called leukocytopenia54) ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; type of anticoagulant55) severe response to a foreign substance. Signs develpe acutely and may include swelling, blockage of airways, tachycardia, and ptylism56) drug that has a sedative pr calming effect without inducing sleep57) able to relieve a condition but not cure it59) percentage of erythrocytes in blood60) substance that prevents watery frequent bowel movements


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