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Vocabulary Test 6 Crossword
1) filled with something (as honey) that sweetens; having a full rich flow (voice)
2) extremely numerous
3) a public speaker noted for skilled and power in speaking
5) coming or having recently come into existence
6) gaiety, mirth
10) dealing with mental illness especially when limited in expression to one idea or thought; excessive concentration on a single object or idea
12) hardened in feelings; stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing; resistant to persuasion or softening influences; unyielding
13) lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression
18) praise, acclaim
21) deficient in color; pale, wan; lacking in sparkle and liveliness; dull
23) marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness
24) given to interesting one's self in what is not one's concern
25) an annoying person or thing
26) a malformation of a plant or animal; something deviating from the usual; freak; an object of great and often frightening size, force, or complexity
27) exciting or deserving hatred or repugnance
31) a sad or gloomy mood
34) family of coarse herbs armed with stinging hairs
35) to give out by measure; allot
1) a person with a sexual perversion characterized by pleasure in being subjected to pain or humiliation; pleasure in being abused or dominated
4) a refusal to obey authority; a turning of a group (as sailors) against an officer in authority
6) marked by extreme and excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details
7) to lean to one side; a record or catalog of names or items
8) not easily understood or clearly expressed; not outstanding or famous; dark, gloomy, secluded
9) to follow a winding course; to wander without a goal or purpose
11) something stolen or taken by force; plunder
13) a person who studies the science of birds
14) covering with grease; decorating or interspersing with something; garnishing
15) to set or arrange in a position especially so as to be lined up with certain points of the compass; to acquaint with an existing situation or environment
16) massive, outstanding
17) a place where or an object to which a boat can be fastened; a chain or line by which an object is moored
19) the roof of the mouth made up of a bony front (hard palate) and a soft, flexible part (soft palate); the sense of taste
20) the state of having a confident and easy manner
22) put ashore and abandoned on a lonely island or coast
24) showing or done by a careful arrangement; systematic
28) a condition of weariness; fatigue; a condition of listlessness; languor; lethargy
29) an order from a higher court to a lower court; the instruction given by voters to their elected representatives
30) to speak evil of; curse
32) of mixed or uncertain kind of origin
33) to mark with spots or blotches of different colors
36) state of deep thought or dreamy abstraction; pondered
37) having no kindness or pity
38) to mistake the meaning of; misinterpret
39) to shut out of a group by the agreement of all
40) a person skilled in languages; a person who specializes in linguistics
41) to make of no value or consequence
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