Vocabulary Test 5 Crossword
Down: 1) impossible to defeat2) to urge or drive forward into action; force3) to sharpen with or as if with a fine abrasive stone4) stormy6) the act of injecting a serum, vaccine, or weakened germ into to protect against disease7) not well filled out; thin; hanging straight and limp without spring or curl8) uproar, noise, confusion, turmoil9) not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood; mysterious13) not having anything to do with the matter at hand14) the examination of one's own thoughts and feelings; self-examination15) a naive girl or young woman; an acting role of a naive young woman16) a pier built to change the path of the current or tide to protect a harbor; a landing wharf17) to arrive at a conclusion; surmise; to point out; hint, suggest20) meaning; importance; something brought into a country24) not letting something enter or pass through25) marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness; serene, cool; unable to be upset28) the act of invoking evil on; cursing29) going on and on; not stopping or letting up30) being about to happen31) a systematic body of concepts, especially about human life or culture33) to force in, into, or on, especially where not right or proper; to come or go in without an invitation or right Across: 1) disorderly, unregulated; exceeding reasonable limits4) made, done, or formed on or as if on the spur of the moment5) quality of state of being skeptical; disbelief10) enlightenment11) feeling no fear; bold12) something known without mental effort; quick and ready insight17) lacking discretion; unwise18) a place constructed of or full of intricate passageways and blind alleys; something extremely complex or tortuous in structure, arrangement, or structure19) expressing a command, request, or strong encouragement; impossible to avoid or ignore; urgent20) to threaten to occur very soon21) an act or instance of rebelling against a government22) firmly established by long persistence; confirmed in a habit; habitual23) to become weak, especially from a lack of something needed or wanted25) too many to count26) belonging to or being a part of the nature of a person or thing27) insolent, rude29) the ability to put each part in place of the other; exchange32) to gain favor for by effort34) to make poor; to use up the strength or richness of35) a harsh satire (work of ridicule) usually directed against an individual36) plot; scheme; to arouse the interest or curiosity of37) to drink or take in liquid; to absorb or assimilate moisture, gas, light, or heat38) showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness39) a man of humble birth or position; a tricky, deceitful fellow


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