Review mnemonics Crossword
Down: 1) reckless3) secret5) to get use to something unpleasant7) undercover9) nerve10) The former Prime Minister _____ the treaty with India.12) delaying, always late14) very sad18) quit19) tell the future20) The streets were ???? with onlookers anxious for the parade to begins21) remove vulgar words from books before publishing24) imitate26) roundabout29) Pakistan seems to have reached the ????? of its long history because of the daily bombings and loss of innocent lives.30) to get someone to do something32) pollution33) When we _____ directions, we usually make mistakes.34) After being vilified by her classmates, the student walked out of the classroom in a ????????? matter35) fault-finding37) caring39) The ?????six year old grabbed the toy from his little brother.41) The athlete tried to ?????? a signing bonus out of the team's owner.43) to cut short44) starved to skin and bones46) telling lies about people48) hard-working50) The medical staff used strong narcotics to ???????? the terminally ill patients pain.51) boring52) disrespectful55) talkative57) pig like59) He is a little vicious??????? and, no matter how much people try to do for him, he always wants more60) skillful62) The hunters were on the trail of the fox, but the ????? creature eluded them at every turn. Across: 2) The prisoner was not a stranger to the _____ effects of drug abuse.4) to offer6) to make better8) She is positively ????? to anyone with a title; she’s such a kiss-up.11) difficult13) true15) Consumption of too much fast food can be ??????? to your health.16) enough money for your financial affairs17) His ??????? wife took everything he owned in the divorce.18) immature19) careless22) I eat and I eat until I'm ?????????23) Facing a tough decision, he decided to ?????????? before making his thoughts known25) meticulous, really fuusy about details27) respect28) increase in size31) Romeo and Juliet are a perfect example of being ????? ; they were really impatient.36) sneaky37) good for your health38) terrible40) Due to the recent turbulent weather, only a ??????? of children came to the pool.41) like a coward42) The stock market crash left the family _____.45) very wise47) to spoil49) to dehydrate53) suck-up, boot-kisser54) seems that it is everywhere56) well mannered58) He's an ????? little man and widely disliked throughout the company for offering his unwanted help.60) He had nothing more to expose, except his own ???????; he was truly deceitful.61) Stop complaining; I can’t stand ??????????? people.63) personal property64) to beg65) My dad’s friends are a ?????????? group; they are so noisy.66) to entice, to tempt67) My sons total lack of care and responsibility made me ????? with anger68) The waters of the mountain lake seemed to be ?????? ; you could see all the way to the bottom69) sneaky70) like slave labor


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