Officer Quiz Crossword
Down: 1) begin, acquaint with basics2) make easy3) consecrated place, place of refuge4) protest, object7) villain8) major disaster12) soon to happen14) to take or have origin, to give rise to15) easily affected17) quarrel, dispute19) check, restrain23) distinguish between or from another, make unlike24) return of something taken away, reparation25) cease to fight or resist30) be successful31) unable to be read33) be stronger or more numerous36) come or occur between, mediate37) of a second level of importance39) declare guiltless42) confused combat Across: 5) doer of evil6) something representing another thing9) fight10) plan secretly as a group11) cunning, insincere behavior13) payment for a service16) rebuke severely18) equality, equivalence20) being immune to21) tending to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change22) opposing or unfavorable26) discouraged or prevented27) form an idea or opinion of in advance28) to bring about especially abruptly, to hasten in occurring29) range in a table32) heedful of circumstances and potential consequences, "cautions"34) superior in numbers, strength35) have reference to, relate38) burdensome40) tending to promote some proposed or desired object41) long-accepted custom or belief43) improve44) inclination, tendency45) widespread, superior in force


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