General World Cultures Final Review Crossword
Down: 2) group of people who share common ancestry, language, religion, customs, or a combination of such characteristics3) manufacturing aimed at making consumer goods, such as textiles or food processing rather than heavy machinery5) an economic system in which business leaders use profits to expand their companies6) one who flees his or her home for safety7) in medieval Europe and Japan, a system of government in which powerful lords gave land to nobles in return for pledges of loyalty11) power struggle between the Soviet Union and the U.S. after WWII13) organization in which farmers share in growing and selling farm products14) material contaminated by residue from the generation of nuclear energy15) the rapid major change in the economy with the introduction of power-driven machinery17) wide, grassy plains of Eurasia; also, similar semiarid climate regions elsewhere19) Russian term for vast subarctic forest, mostly evergreens, that covers much of Russia and Serbia21) in nineteenth-century Russia, a government program that required everyone in the empire to speak Russian and to become a Christian26) self-rule29) artistic style emphasizing individual emotions that developed in Europe in the late 1700s and early 1800s as a reaction to industrialization31) the by-product of producing nuclear power34) the expelling from a country or killing of rival ethnic groups35) ruler of Russia until the 1917 revolution36) laborer obliged to remain on the land where he or she works37) in czarist Russia, an attack on Jews carried out by government troops or officials38) the manufacture of machinery and equipment needed for factories and mines41) a payment for damages45) Russian term for a new "openness" in areas of politics, social issues, and media; part of Mikhail Gorbachev's reform plan46) water formed by melting snow and ice47) vast, treeless plains in cold northern climates, characterized by permafrost and small, low plants, such as mosses and shrubs49) a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence50) series of religious wars (A.D. 110-1300) in which European Christians tried to retake Palestine form Muslim rule Across: 1) religious movement that began in Germany in the late 1400s, leading to the establishment of Protestant churches4) the effect of extreme variations in temperature and very little precipitation within the interior portions of a landmass6) artistic style portraying everyday life that developed in Europe during the mid-1800s8) the belief that there is no God9) farming method used in dry regions in which land is plowed and planted deeply to hold water in the soil10) chemical used to kill insects, rodents, and other pests12) a country controlled by another country, notably Eastern European countries controlled by the Soviet Union by the end of WWII16) gradual warming of the Earth and its atmosphere that may be caused in part by pollution and an increase in the greenhouse effect17) a grant or gift, especially for money18) illegal trade of scarce or illegal goods, usually sold at high prices20) the use of natural substances rather than chemical fertilizers and pesticides to enrich the soil and grow crops22) a movement during the 1700s that emphasized the importance of reason and questioned traditions and values23) products and services that directly satisfy human wants24) realistic style of art and literature that glorified Soviet ideals and goals25) system of resource management in which decisions about production and distribution of goods and services are made by a central authority27) rich, black topsoil found in the Northern European Plain, especially in Russia and Ukraine28) large, distinct ethnic group within a country30) intellectual elite32) the period of European history from about A.D. 500 to about 150033) food sources, the genes of which have been altered to cause increase in size and speed the growth or greater resistance to pests39) a change to private ownership of state-owned companies and industries40) a 1992 meeting of European governments in Maastricht, the Netherlands, that formed the European Union42) the division of a region into smaller regions that are often hostile with each other43) raising several kinds of crops and livestock on the same farm44) nation in which the government assumes major responsibility for people's well-being in all areas such as health and education48) person actively concerned with the quality and protection of the environment51) in Europe, a 300-year period of renewed interest in classical learning and the arts, beginning in the 1300's52) political philosophy in which the government owns the means of production53) wet or dry airborne acids that fall to the earth54) a foreign laborer working temporarily in an industrialized, usually European, country55) a painter who practices impressionism, the artistic style developed in Europe in the late 1800's in which dabs or strokes of color are used to give the effect of reflecting light56) the mass killings of 6 million Jews by German's Nazi leaders during WWII57) the period between 1921 and 1991 when Russia was part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics58) an economic system based on free enterprise, in which businesses are privately owned, and production and prices are determined by supply and demand59) an organization whose goal is to unite Europe so that goods, services, and workers can move freely among member countries60) in Russian, "restructuring"; part of Gorbachev's plan for reforming Soviet economy and government61) in ancient Greece, independent community consisting of a city and the surrounding lands


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