Vocab3 Crossword
Down: 2) Belief, mental acceptance3) Use of many words without necessity5) developed or created at the beggining; going back to the most ancient times or earlieststage; fundamental, basic7) Expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language, to pronounce clearly8) Proximity, nearness in place or time; kinship9) stimulating to the taste or mind; spicy, pungent; appealingly provocative12) a formal statement or commendation; high praise13) designed to belittle or degrade; disparaging14) To hide by pretending something different; deliberately give a false impression20) To have lively or boisterous fun; romp, prance around Across: 1) having a gelatinous or gluey quality, lacking in easy movement or fluidity4) Lacking purpose or vitality; feeble or ineffective6) Green in tint or color; immature in experience or judgement10) very much agitated or upset as a result of emotionor mental conflict11) founded upon or involving a visionary view of the ideal world; impractical15) To dig out of the earth (what has been buried)16) to display clearly, to make evident; to provoke17) not usual or expected; not in character18) Wicked , depraved devoid or moral standards19) To condemn, express strong disapproval; to officially depreciate21) Difficult to to manage, stubborn, not responsive to discipline22) Lacking clarity or distinctness; cloudy or obscure, dark and gloomy


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