New deal Crossword
Down: 1) process in which employers negotiate with labor unions about hours, wages, and other working conditions 2) a group of world war 1 veterans who marched on WA DC in 1932 to demand early payment of bonus promised them by congress3) economic theory that holds that money lend to banks and businesses will trickle down to consumers4) group of african american american leaders who served as unofficial advisers to Franklin D. roosevelt5)  a dam on the colorado river that was built during the great depression 6) payment for war damages8) period lasting from 1929 to 1941 in which the U.S economy faltered and unemployment soared 9) line of people waiting for food handouts form charities of public agencies11) practice of making high-risk investments in hopes of obtaining large profits14) a term used to describe dust bowl refugees 16)  programs and legislation enacted by Franklin D roosevelt during the great depression to promote economic recovery and social reform Across: 7) a term used to describe makeshift shantytowns set up by homeless people during the great depression9) when stock prices fell sharply in the great crash10) a term used for the central and southern great plains during the 19302 when the region suffered from drought and dust storms12)  a system in which a farmer paid rent to a landowner for the use of land13)  FDR plan to add up to six new justices to the nine-member supreme court after the court had ruled that some new deal legislation was unconstitutional15) An economic relief program aimed specifically at helping Native American communities during the Great Depression 17) legislative activity begun by franklin d roosevelt in 1935 to solve problems created by the great depression 18) labor protest in which workers stop working and occupy the workplace until their demands are me


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