R/S Crossword
1) A trap for catching animals; to catch or entangle someone or something.3) A quick, sharp, or witty reply; to respond in a sharp or retaliatory way.5) Strong, healthy, and full of energy; sturdy and well-built.7) Emitting light or heat; shining brightly; expressing happiness or energy.8) Dull, uninspired, or old-fashioned; heavy or difficult to digest (in food).9) A continuation of a story, often in books or movies; something that follows an event.12) Large, significant, or important in size or amount; strong and solid.14) To oversee or manage someone or something, ensuring tasks are completed properly.15) A formal expression of disapproval; to scold or criticize someone for wrongdoing.
16) A break, burst, or tear in an object, relationship, or situation; to break or burst suddenly. |
2) A long, dramatic story or series of events, often about heroic achievements.
4) To begin again after a pause; a summary of qualifications and work experience.5) To move back or away; to diminish or lessen in intensity.
6) To avoid or neglect a responsibility or duty.10) The current state or condition of something or someone; a person’s rank or social standing.11) A group of living organisms that share common characteristics and can reproduce.13) To speak or shout in an angry, loud, or exaggerated way; a long, passionate speech, often critical.17) Happening at the same time.18) Delicate, not obvious, or difficult to detect; showing great perception or skill.19) Something false or deceptive; a fraud or hoax; pretending to be something one is not.
20) Made, done, or chosen without method or conscious decision; lacking a definite plan or pattern.
21) Gloomy, silent, or sulky in a resentful way. |