Star1 Crossword
1) a phrase that means something different than what the individual words say2) a word that has more than one meaning4) not, opposite of6) background information - what i know7) tell about using details8) extreme exaggeration 9) a way of expressing words or events that is not realistic, but it uses a lot of similes and metaphors and imagery11) condition of, state or quality of13) against
15) after16) one who does something an action18) how a passage is put together19) before, earlier21) when two things are compared without the use of like or as22) words written under pictures, graphs, charts, diograms23) picture, drawing, photograph25) a diagram used to show key elements in a story, such as plot, conflict, solution, setting, character28) a mental picture created by words30) two or more lines end with words that sound alike31) auction or process32) inclined to, able to34) finding how things are different36) back, again38) general subject |
1) not3) the opposite of5) how something is stated or worded in a passage9) full of10) same meaning as passage, poem, play12) to make, made of 14) a retelling of the most important events though out a text17) pattern in which ideas are presented in the order they occur sequence 20) exact opposite of what you would expect to happen 24) organizes information to make it easier to understand how ideas connect26) self27) how things are the same29) when something that is not living takes on the qualities of a living thing33) wrong35) a drawing or chart37) not, without38) lessons learned39) a quality that a person possesses such as honesty or selfishness40) two41) stress as important 42) in a way, how its done |