Vocab - anatomy Crossword
Down: 2) the 80 bones composing the skull, vertebrae, thorax and hyoid bone; the central structure to which the appendicular skeleton is attached3) beneath; lower; the undersurface of an organ, or a structure below another structure. The opposite of superior4) the 126 bones that make up the pectoral girdle, upper extremities, pelvic girdle, and lower extremities.5) behind or in back of; refers to the back side of the body or structure; opposite of anterior.6) situated at or pertaining to a center or central point.7) pertaining to, or the formation of saliva8) pertaining to, or forming, the wall of a cavity11) posterior; toward the back; opposite of anterior.12) pertaining to the side of the body; away from the median plane13) a prominence or projection.14) well-defined parts of an organ separated by boundaries.15) a protein found in blood plasma20) referring to the organ system that carries out gas exchange21) a normal or abnormal bending away; an arc.22) located on the superior portion of the kidney24) one of the three pair of glands that secretes saliva into the mouth25) the organs (liver and gall bladder) and ducts that participate in the secretion, storage, and delivery of bile to the duodenum30) clusters of cells in the pancreas which produce insulin.31) a narrow, worm-shaped tube connected to the cecum33) a gland that has both endocrine and exocrine functions.35) the partition that divides the nasal cavities36) the study of the nervous system40) the study of tissues.41) the connection between two or more bones; a joint.46) within the body; within or on the inside; the opposite of external.47) composed of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, the function of which is to filter wastes from the blood stream.51) a joint in which the bones are connected by fibrocartilage.52) ridges in the walls of the nasal cavity.57) nearest to the point of attachment of a limb to the trunk of the body, the opposite of distal.58) toward the top of the head; a structure situated above another structure; the opposite of inferior.63) pertaining to the exterior; the opposite of internal.64) the branch of science dealing with the study of the structure of the body.65) relating to the cheek or mouth.67) below the surface, or toward the central part of a structure.70) farther away from the point of attachment or from the trunk; opposite of proximal. Across: 1) the depression in the temporal bone into which the condyle of the mandible fits.9) any small bone10) pertaining to or composed of vessels16) a membranous sac or receptacle for a secretion or excretion.17) relating to the outer surface of a structure.18) the study of muscles.19) pertaining to the internal organs contained within a cavity23) a circular muscle constricting an orifice26) blood plasma, excluding the clotting factors; the watery, amber-colored portion of the blood after coagulation occurs.27) pertaining to the middle; toward the median plane of the body28) any one of various membranous structures in a hollow organ or passage that temporarily closes to permit the flow of fluid in one direction only29) pertaining to or situated near the surface of the body or body part32) the smooth muscle around the exit of the stomach into the duodenum.34) an anatomic landmark that appears as a blunt projection.37) connection between vessels; union of two vessels going to the same body part.38) the lateral, outer opening of the ear or auditory canal39) a number signifying the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Portal - an entrance to an organ 42) a paranasal cavity within a bone; a dilated channel for venous blood43) the slightly movable junction of the anterior portion of the os coxae.44) pertaining to the mouth45) the part of the large intestine beginning with the ascending colon and ending with the sigmoid colon.48) the entrance or outlet of any anatomical structure; an opening49) the canal or passageway in the temporal bone through which the internal carotid artery passes.50) a covering or layer53) located at, or pertaining to, the outer surface of the body or body part; located away from the center.54) a curved protuberance at the end of a bone forming part of an articulation.55) pertaining to the cheek bone56) pertaining to a gland that delivers its secretion through a duct.59) refers to the symmetry of paired organs, or to an organism whose right and left halves are similar images of each other60) resistance to flow of a liquid61) at right angles to another surface.62) pertaining to a ductless gland that secretes directly into the bloodstream.66) the study of the heart68) pertaining to bile.69) bone shaped like a sesame seed; a bone embedded in a tendon71) pertaining to the front of the chest.72) (auxilary) this term is applied to a lesser structure that resembles a similar organ in structure and function, such as the accessory pancreatic duct73) reduction of the harmful properties of a poisonous substance.74) the digestive system tube from the mouth to the anus, including the mouth or buccal cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines.75) before or in front of; refers to the front side of the body or structure76) a group of organs arranged for the performance of a specific function77) the blood vessels, including arteries, capillaries, and veins, and lymphatics.78) a temporarily unossified area on the surface of the cranium of an infant.


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