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Chapter 6 Vocabulary - Anatomy and Physiology Crossword
2) A passive process in which the intercostal (rib) muscles and the diaphragm relax, causing the chest cavity to decrease in size and air to flow out of the lungs.
4) The major artery supplying the leg.
5) The male organs of reproduction used for the production of sperm.
7) A structure that opens and closes to permit the flow of a fluid in only one direction.
8) The rhythmic beats caused as waves of blood move through and expand the arteries.
10) The two upper chambers of the heart. There is a right atrium (which receives unoxygenated blood returning from the body) and a left atrium (which receives oxygenated blood returning from the lungs). Singular: atrium.
12) The largest organ of the body, which produces bile to assist in the breakdown of fats and assists in the metabolism of various substances into the body.
13) The top, back and sides of the skull.
14) The voice box.
17) The larger bone of the thigh.
18) Tissue that connects bone to bone.
19) The superior and widest portion of the pelvis.
22) The system of nose, mouth, throat, lungs, and muscles that brings oxygen into the body and expels carbon dioxide. Also called the pulmonary system.
26) The lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg.
28) The bony structure of the head.
29) The basin-shaped bony structure that supports the spine and is the point of proximal attachment for the lower extremities.
30) The layers of fat and soft tissues found below the dermis.
32) The highest portion of the shoulder.
34) Any blood vessel returning blood to the heart.
35) A gland located behind the stomach that produces insulin and juices that assist in digestion of food in the duodenum of the small intestine.
37) A small tube located near the junction of the small and large intestines in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, the function of which is not well understood. Its inflammation, called appendicitis, is a common cause of abdominal pain.
38) The area directly posterior to the mouth.
40) The fluid portion of the blood.
41) The ring-shaped structure that forms the lower portion of the larynx.
42) The Collarbone.
44) The medial and larger bone of the lower leg.
45) The medial anterior portion of the pelvis.
46) Muscle that can be consciously controlled.
50) The organ of male reproduction responsible for sexual intercourse and the transfer of sperm.
51) The largest artery in the body. It transports blood from the left ventricle to begin systemic circulation.
55) The body’s inability to adequately circulate blood to the body’s cells to supply them with oxygen and nutrients, which is a life-threatening condition. Also known as hypoperfusion.
56) The breastbone.
58) The smallest kind of vein.
60) The outer layer of the skin.
63) The muscular structure that divides the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. A major muscle of respiration.
64) The tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder.
65) Tissue that connects muscle to bone.
68) The round saclike organ of the renal system used as a reservoir for urine.
1) System of glands that produce chemicals call hormones that help to regulate many body activities and functions.
3) The supply of oxygen and nutrients to and removal of wastes from the cells and tissues of the body as a result of the blow of blood through the capillaries.
6) Egg-producing organs within the female reproductive system.
9) The body system that regulates fluid balance and the filtration of blood. Also called the urinary system.
11) The medial bone of the forearm.
15) A sac on the underside of the liver that stores bile produced by the liver.
16) The smallest kind of artery.
20) A hormone produced by the body. As a medication, it dilates respiratory passages and is used to relieve severe allergic reactions.
21) The muscular tube that removes water from waste products received from the small intestine and moves anything not absorbed by the body toward excretion from the body.
23) The superior portion of the sternum.
24) The process of moving gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between inhaled air and the pulmonary circulation of the blood.
25) The organs where exchange of atmospheric oxygen and waste carbon dioxide take place.
27) Any blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart.
31) Organs of the renal system used to filter blood and regulate fluid levels in the body.
33) The layer of tissue between the body and the external environment.
36) The superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava. These two major veins return blood from the body to the right atrium. Singular: vena cava.
39) Muscular sac between the esophagus and the small intestine where digestion of food begins.
43) The system made up of the heart (cardio) and the blood vessels (vascular); the circulatory system.
47) The bone of the upper arm, between the shoulder and the elbow.
48) The two large sets of branches that come off the trachea and enter the lungs. There are right and left bronchi. Singular bronchus.
49) The bony structures around the eyes; the eye sockets.
52) A system by which food travels through the body and is digested, or broken down into absorbable forms.
53) The pelvis socket into which the ball at the proximal end of the femur fits to form the hip joint.
54) The chest.
57) The "windpipe"; the structure that connects the pharynx to the lungs.
59) Female organ of reproduction used to house the developing fetus.
61) The lower, posterior portions of the pelvis.
62) The study of body structure.
66) A system of specialized muscle tissues that conducts electrical impulses that stimulate the heart to beat.
67) Artery supplying the foot, behind the medial ankle.
69) Components of the blood. They carry oxygen to and carbon dioxide away from the cells.
70) Tube connecting the bladder to the vagina or penis for excretion of urine.
71) A leaf-shaped structure that prevents food and foreign matter from entering the trachea.
72) The female organ of reproduction used for both sexual intercourse and as an exit from the uterus for the fetus.
73) The foot bones.
74) The pressure created in the arteries when the left ventricle contracts and forces blood out into circulation.
75) The thirty-three bones of the spinal column.
76) The study of body function.
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