Self-esteem Crossword
1) how loud or soft you are speaking3) way of talking that explains how you feel while remaining firm, calm, polite6) firm, direct, honest, respects rights of others, realizes I have choices, effective communicator, express needs, good eye contact7) When message is not properly sent or unclear. HURT FEELINGS9) can't speak up, don't know my rights, get stepped on, meek, too accommodating, talks softly, don't stand up for rights, avoids conflicts, people take advantage of.11) verbal, words and tone of voice. Speech in class, sensitive issues such as sexual activity or marriage. Voice, volume, tone, pitch, IM Messages13) Loud, bossy, pushy, dominating, intimidating, get in my way, react instantly17) can't speak up, don't know my rights, get stepped on, meek, too accommodating, talks softly, don't stand up for rights, avoids conflicts, people take advantage of. |
keep calm and listen carefully4) process by which two or more people exchange information. One person sends message others receive message.5) understand another person's feelings, behavior, attitude8) How you communicate to others. Express yourself, How you feel. 10) firm, direct, honest, respects rights of others, realizes I have choices, effective communicator, express needs, good eye contact12) inflections or emphasis in your voice on words. Convey Attitude.14) Loud, bossy, pushy, dominating, intimidating, get in my way, react instantly15) Reveals a lot about how you feel through facial expressions, gestures, and posture. Scratching, roll your eyes, stare, sleepy16) happen when people are mad or upset18) eye contact, not shouting or swearing, no gum, not texting, speak clearly, good facial expressions, listen, relaxed body language, don't butt in other conversation, keep to point |