RED coz Milady cha 2 Anatomy/Physiology 4 Crossword
1) The movable part of the muscle anchored to the bone' attached farthest from the skeleton.2) Muscles attached to the lower rear surface of the heel & pulls the foot down. 4) system that carries oxygen rich blood from the heart throughout the body & returns oxygen poor blood back to the heart; AKA general circulation. 7) AKA the ankle bone; located between the heel, tibia, & fibula 9) forms the base & the sides of the skull.12) U shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue & its muscles; the only bone in the throat.13) seven irregularly shaped bones in the ankle area including the talus, calcaneus (heel, navicular, cuboid, & three cuneiform bones14) chemical substances, such as insulin, adrenaline, & estrogen, that stimulate activity in the body.15) Front (anterior) portion of the epicurious; scalp muscles that raises the eyebrows, draws the scalp forward, & causes wrinkles across the forehead16) forms the physical foundation of the body & is composed of 206 bones that vary in size & shape; connected by movable & immoveable joints.19) is the portion of the central nervous system that originates in the brain & extends down to bottom of the spin |
3) produce & release substances that perform a specific function in the body5) Uppermost & largest bone in the arm, extending from elbow to the shoulder6) The body system that consists of the skin & its accessory organs, such as oil & sweat glands, sensory receptors, hair, & nails; it serves as a protective covering & helps regulate the body's temperature.8) muscle that originates at the upper portion of the fibula & bend the foot down.10) connection between two or more bones of the skeleton. 11) located at the side of the neck to collect blood from the brain & parts of the face & neck.15) foot muscles that flexes the toes & helps maintain balance while walking & standing..17) two bones forming the sides of the head in the ear region 18) muscular, cone shaped organ that keeps the blood moving within the circular system 20) supplies the blood to the brain, eyes, eyelids, forehead, nose & internal ear. 21) forearm muscle that rotates the radius outward & temporal bone near the ear22) skeleton of the head; divided into two parts called the cranium & facial skeleton. 23) bone that forms the forehead24) foot muscles that move the little toes |