Aphumangeovocab Crossword
Down: 1) How many children women in different regions are having; helps to show which countries are growing or leveling off2) Total number of people in an area4) A five-step outline showing how countries are transformed from less developed nations to more developed ones6) The number of people in different spaces7) A relationship between the number of people on Earth and the availability of resources, wherein population exceeds the capacity of the environment to support them at an acceptable standard of living8) How many people an area and its resources can support9) A theory that builds upon Malthus' thoughts on overpopulation and factors in the population growth of LDCs that is outstripping resources (other than food)11) One of the first people to argue that the world's rate of population increase was far surpassing projected food production13) Helps determine how or where a disease will spread15) Shows how different parts of the world are in different stages of demographic transition17) Total rural population in relation to agricultural land18) Predicts future population (can be regional or worldwide)19) The formula that calculates population change; births - deaths + net migration; helps determine what stage of the DTM a country is in20) Having too little people to support an economic system28) Measured by a country's IMR and average life expectancy29) Number of males per hundred females in a population30) When a projected population shows exponential growth Across: 1) The number of people who are too young or too old to work compared to the number of people in their productive years3) An adaption that has become more harmful than helpful5) The percentage of a population's annual growth10) The number of years needed to double a population, assuming a constant rate of natural increase12) The annual number of deaths of infants under one year of age, compared to total live births14) The proportion of Earth's surface occupied by permanent human settlement16) The ability to maintain balance of a certain process or state in any system; relates in Human Geography to development that meets today's needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs21) A sudden increase in population (can be regional or worldwide)22) Shown by two base-to-base bar graphs (one male, one female) displaying a particular population in five-year age groups (population pyramid)23) When the crude birth rate equals the crude death rate; rate of natural increase nears zero24) Refers to quality and quantity of goods and services available to people and the way they are distributed within a population25) Graphic display of cyclical change (increase and decrease), so named for it's "s" shape; refers in Human Geography to rate of natural increase26) The ratio of lives births in an area to the population in that area27) Total population in relation to arable (farmable) land31) The distinctive causes of death in each section of the DTM32) The tendency for a growing population to continue growing even after a decline in fertility (a large portion of the population enters its reproductive years)33) A space that is associated with a particular gender because of the activities that occur in that space; differs from region to region34) Arrangement of people and their societies across the world; density, concentration and pattern35) A section of a population pyramid (divided by age category); can help show what stage of the DTM a country is in36) Population displayed by age and gender on two base-to-base bar graphs (shows age distribution)


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