All My Sons Crossword
1) to reduce to a lower grade, rank, class, or position2) a damaging or derogatory remark or criticism; slander6) a seat for two or more persons, having a back and usually arms, and often upholstered8) freed from any question of guilt9) an elongated, tapered, serrated cutting tool forshaping and enlarging holes10) the act or fact of keeping oneself in the background, as in humility12) the recognizing or noting of differences14) gloomily dark; shadowy; dimly lighted15) a store where men's clothes are sold16) showing annoyance or irritation19) a personal belief or judgment22) trees of north regions having light soft wood and flowers 27) a leafy, shady recess formed by tree branches or shrubs |
3) of uncertain nature or significance4) to be widespread or current5) merriment7) not ashamed or not embarrassed; 11) an extremely ignorant person13) up to date17) liking or enjoyment of the tase of something18) a promiscuous man20) structure of latticework, used as a support for vines21) a severe rebuke, esp. a formal one by a person in authority23) anxiety or concern24) a leisurely walk 25) tending to instill doubts, distrust; suggestive26) a great misfortune or disaster, as a flood or serious injury28) loyal, firm, and dependable29) a person who is easily swindled, deceived, coerced,persuaded; sucker30) abnormally bent to one side; twisted; crooked |