Mythology Unit 1 Crossword
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Down: 1)  the way in which the individual reaches an understanding of his relationship with the first three functions and applies them to their life.3) Upon reaching the threshold of adventure, the hero must undergo some sort of ordeal in order to pass from the everyday world into the world of adventure. This trial may be as painless as entering a dark cave or as violent as being swallowed up by a whale. The important feature is the contrast between the familiar world of light and the dark, unknown world of adventure.4) which tell us about heroes and heroines, about their adventures and their loves and their mistakes. Religious stories of gods and goddesses fall under this category.5) all humans have a need for spiritual mystery and awe.7) Joseph Campbell's idea that the hero's journey is a basic pattern seen in stories from all parts of the world8) an original pattern or model10) refers to the stories and rituals people develop to deal with mystical ideas.11) The object, knowledge, or blessing that the hero acquired during the adventure is now put to use in the everyday world. Often it has a restorative or healing function, but it also serves to define the hero's role in the society.15) After accomplishing the mission, the hero must return to the threshold of adventure and prepare for a return to the everyday world. If the hero has angered the opposing forces by stealing the elixir or killing a powerful monster, the return may take the form of a hasty flight. If the hero has been given the elixir freely, the flight may be a benign stage of the journey.17) The hero is often accompanied on the journey by a helper who assists in the series of tests and generally serves as a loyal companion. Alternately, the hero may encounter a supernatural helper in the world of adventure who fulfills this function.18) The hero is called to adventure by some external event or messenger. The Hero may accept the call willingly or reluctantly.21)  “stories of the people” – these stories were once called “fairy tales” though they don’t deal with “fairies” at all. They are the stories told by the common folk for leisure and moral instruction. Across: 2) communities need morals and accepted behaviors in order to survive and to get along.6) The hero travels through the dream-like world of adventure where he must undergo a series of tests. These trials are often violent encounters with monsters, sorcerers, warriors, or forces of nature. Each successful test further proves the hero's ability and advances the journey toward its climax.9) part of the psyche present in all individuals; not based on personal experience12) Fabulous circumstances surrounding conception, birth, and childhood establish the hero's pedigree, and often constitute their own monomyth cycle.13) narratives about persons, places, or events that are based on history or folk tales14) nothing more than a set of stories that suggest a deeper meaning and that help a specific culture to express and explain its views, to examine its own behavior, and to understand the phenomena around it.16) nothing more than a set of stories that suggest a deeper meaning and that help a specific culture to express and explain its views, to examine its own behavior, and to understand the phenomena around it.19) This is the critical moment in the hero's journey in which there is often a final battle with a monster, wizard, or warrior which facilitates the particular resolution of the adventure.20) During the early stages of the journey, the hero will often receive aid from a protective figure. This supernatural helper can take a wide variety of forms, such as a wizard, and old man, a dwarf, a crone, or a fairy godmother. The helper commonly gives the hero a protective amulet or weapon for the journey.22)  tales told by common people, usually anonymous and, unlike märchen, told as if they were true – or at least only slightly exaggerated.23) The hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.24) The hero again crosses the threshold of adventure and returns to the everyday world of daylight. The return usually takes the form of an awakening, rebirth, resurrection, or a simple emergence from a cave or forest. Sometimes the hero is pulled out of the adventure world by a force from the daylight world.25) a fairy tale that contains supernatural characteristics


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