Astronomy Ch.16 (Earth & Moon: Comparative Planetology) Crossword
Down: 1) dark igneous rock, characteristic of solidified lava2) the ratio of the light reflected from an object to the light that hits the object. albedo equals 0 for perfectly black and 1 for perfectly white4) the theory that the moon formed from debris ejected during a collision between Earth and a large planetesimal 6) the gases outgassed from a planet's interior; rich in carbon dioxide8) the process by which carbon dioxide in an atmosphere traps heat and raises the temperature of a planetary surface9) the surge in cratering impacts in the solar system that occurred about 3.8 billion years ago10) large impact feature (crater) containing two or more concentric rims formed by fracturing of the planetary crust 12) rock composed of fragments of earlier rocks bonded together 13) the layer of dense rock and metal oxides that lies between the molten core and Earth's surface; also, similar layers in other planets 14) meteorite of microscopic size15) a mechanical vibration that travels through Earth; usually caused by an earthquake 19) a type of seismic wave that travels through Earth by compression and uncompression of the material 20) the dividing line between daylight and darkness on a planet or moon23) a type of seismic wave that travels through earth by lateral motion of the material Across: 3) ejecta from meteorite impacts forming white streamers radiating from some lunar craters 5) a porous rock formed by solidified lava with trapped bubbles 7) a deep layer of molten rock covering all or most of the surface of a planet11) the study of planets in relation to one another 14) one of the lunar lowlands filled by successive flows of dark lava, from the lattin for "sea"16) the gradual increase in the surface temperature of earth caused by human modifications to Earth's atmopshere17) a long, straight, deep valley produced by the separation of crustal plates 18) an instrument that records seismic waves21) in Earth's atmosphere, a layer of oxygen ions lying 15 to 30 km high that protects the surface by absorbing ultraviolet radiation 22) a material with the properties of a solid but capable of flowing under pressure 24) the original atmosphere of a planet, before removal or alteration and replacement by a later, secondary atmosphere 25) impact crater formed by debris ejected from a larger impact 26) the constant destruction and renewal of Earth's surface by the motion of sections of crust 27) rock of aluminum and calcium silicates found in the lunar highlands28) a region of a planetary crust where one tectonic plate slides under another 29) pulverized rock scattered by meteorite impacts on a planetary surface


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