Astronomy Ch.12 (The milky way galaxy) Crossword
Down: 2) variable star with a period of 12 to 24 hours, common in some globular clusters 3) the process by which the birth of stars compresses the surrounding gas clouds and triggers the formation of more stars, proposed to explain spiral arms 4) stars poor in atoms heavier than helium, nearly always relatively old stars found in the halo, globular clusters, or the nuclear bulge 5) the rate at which a star moves across the sky, measured in seconds of arc per year 6) the extended, spherical distribution of low-luminosity matter believed to surround the Milky Way and other galaxies 7) the relation between period of pulsation and intrinsic brightness among Cepheid variable stars9) the spherical cloud of stars that lies at the center of most spiral galaxies 11) all material confined to the plane of the galaxy13) the conjecture that the milky way galaxy and other large galaxies formed mostly by collisions and combinations of smaller galaxies and star clusters.16) orbital motion in accord with Kepler's laws of planetary motion18) nonluminous matter that is detected only by its gravitational influence19) the production of elements heavier than helium by the fusion of atomic nuclei in stars and during supernovae explosions 22) in astronomical usage, all atoms heavier than helium 24) the spherical region of a spiral galaxy, containing a thin scattering of stars, star clusters, and small amounts of gas Across: 1) a graph of orbital velocity versus radius in the disk of a galaxy8) the region of the HR diagram in which stars are unstable to pulsation. a star passing through this strip becomes a variable star10) a type of variable star with pulsation period between about 1 and 60 days. each star's period of variation is related to its luminosity12) the part of the galaxy including all matter in a spherical distribution around the center (the halo and nuclear bulge)14) a unit of distance equal to 1000 pc or 3260 ly15) to make observations of reference objects, instrument performance checks, calculation of units conversions, etc. needed to completely understand measurements of unknown quantities 17) the conjecture that the milky way galaxy and other large galaxies formed by mostly gravitational collapse of a single large gas cloud20) galaxy with a high-contrast simple two-arm spiral pattern21) the powerful radio source located at the core of the Milky way galaxy23) the conjecture that spiral arms in disk galaxies are caused by a pressure wave that rotates slowly around the galaxy, triggering star formation by compressing interstellar gas clouds 25) describes a galaxy whose spiral arms have a woolly or fluffy appearance 26) stars rich in atoms heavier than helium, nearly always relatively young stars found in the disk of the galaxy27) object used to map a galaxy's spiral arms - for example, O and B associations, open clusters, clouds of ionized hydrogen, and some types of variable stars28) theory proposed to account for spiral arms as compressions of the interstellar medium in the disk of the galaxy


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