Anatomy&Physiology Crossword
Down: 1) high blood sugar; excessive amount of glucose is being created4) excessive amount of PTH in the bloodstream due to the over activity of the parathyroid5) space in between the Islet of Langerhans6) the parathyroid doesn't secrete enough PTH to maintain calcium and phosphorus levels7) secretes Aldosterone regulates concentration of electrolytes by conserving sodium and potassium regulated by electrolyte concentration in blood secretes Adrenal Androgens supplement set hormones may be converted into estrogens8) Middle portion of the Adrenal Cortex9) Thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone10) over production of a hormone by the thyroid12) the uppermost layer of the Adrenal gland16) secretes estrogens, progestrone, gonadotropin 20) secretes thymosins immunity Across: 1) low blood sugar2) secretes melatonin and circadian rhythms3) stimulates uptake up glucose by liver keeps noncarbs from becoming glucose lowers blood glucose regulated by blood secreted by Beta cells11) top portion of the Adrenal Cortex13) Endocrine glands secrete to target cell. However, hormone bind to receptors then activates G protein.14) Hormones are secreted in cytosal or nucleus of target cell. Binds to DNA to promote transcription and translation of RNA in the nucleus15) secretes calcitonin; lowers blood calcium concentration; regulated by blood calcium levels17) secretes epinephrine and norepinephine regulated by nervous system18) secretes parathormone(PTH) raises blood calcium concentration regulated by blood calcium levels19) Big circle in Pancreas21) Lowest portion of the Adrenal Cortex


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