Astronomy Test #5 Crossword
Down: 2) Emission | Absorption | Transmission | Transparent objects transmit light. (example: red filter = transmits red light and absorbs other colors) | Opaque objects block (absorb) light. | Reflection or scattering. 3) A thin or low-density cloud of gas emits light only at specific wavelengths that depend on its composition and temperature, producing a spectrum with bright emission lines.4) Isotope: same # of protons but different # of neutrons (4He, 3He) | Molecules: consist of two or more atoms (H2O, CO2) 6) wavelength × frequency = speed of light = constant9) Particles of light are called photons. | Each photon has a wavelength and a frequency. | The energy of a photon depends on its frequency.10) A cloud of gas between us and a light bulb can absorb light of specific wavelengths, leaving dark absorption lines in the spectrum.15) is an electromagnetic wave. Across: 1) Each type of atom has a unique set of energy levels. | Each transition corresponds to a unique photon energy, frequency, and wavelength. | Energy levels of hydrogen (Energy levels for electrons vary from one element to another!!)5) λ×f=c | λ = wavelength, f = frequency c = 3.00 × 108 m/s = speed of light | E = h × f = photon energy | h = 6.626 × 10-34 joule × s = photon energy. 7) The minimum angular separation that the telescope can distinguish.. | Angular resolution: smaller is better.8) light from Human sources11) Downward transitions produce a unique pattern of emission lines. (emits a photon of a specific frequency)12) Interactions between light and matter determine the appearance of everything around us.13) Mirror reflects light in a particular direction. | Movie screen scatters light in all directions. 14) It is NOT because they are closer to the stars! | Recall our 1-to-10 billion scale: • Sun size of grapefruit • Earth size of a tip of a ball point pen, 15 m from Sun • Nearest stars 4000 km away • Hubble orbit microscopically above tip of a ball point pen-size Earth.16) Isotope: same # of protons but different # of neutrons (4He, 3He) | Molecules: consist of two or more atoms (H2O, CO2) 17) Nearly all large or dense objects emit thermal radiation, including stars, planets, and you. | An object’s thermal radiation spectrum depends on only one property: its temperature.18) This technique allows two or more small telescopes to work together to obtain the angular resolution of a larger telescope.19) blurs images | 3. Atmosphere absorbs most of EM spectrum, including all UV and X ray and most infrared.20) The spectrum of a common (incandescent) light bulb spans all visible wavelengths, without interruption.21) Emission Line Spectrum | Continuous Spectrum | Absorption Line Spectrum | Spectra of astrophysical objects are usually combinations of these three basic types. 22) Observing the fingerprints in a spectrum tells us which kinds of atoms are present.23) Because those atoms can absorb photons with those same energies, upward transitions produce a pattern of absorption lines at the same wavelengths.


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