Business Cycles, fiscil, and unemployment definitions Crossword
Down: 2) they are not reported to government5) tax laws should be written in a form that the taxpayer and collector can both understand.9) the day the Great Depression began, the stock market crashed; October 29, 192911) the sales of used goods15) tariffs were to high, when we set them to high, other countries set theirs high also.19) tax laws easy to administer and successful at generating revenue24) exceptions or oversights in the tax law27) a high tax designed to take revenue as well as reduce consumption of a socially undesirable product30) treating everybody the same32) the point where the economy can't grow anymore35) is the dollar amount of all final products produced in a country in a given year. Across: 1) use of formulas to determine how much a country produces, consumes, saves, and invests.3) 35% 1-35% 0%4) a tax that imposes higher % rate on those with higher incomes than those with lower incomes. ex)a federal income tax6) sampling: make a guess of how much you make problem: may not be accurate not 100%7) raising interest rates 8) any negative thing that happens due to production has to be taken out of GDP10) government uses taxing and spending to influence economic activity12) sometimes things are produced civilians are not supposed to buy13) when economy shrinks for 6 consecutive months14) GDP reps everything made in a country regardless of who owns the resources16) the point where the economy can't go any lower, only way the GDP can go is up17) transactions that do not take place in public market18) a tax that imposes higher tax rate on poorer people than rich ex) a state sales tax 19) beyond our control, increase prices either positive or negative. ex) natural disasters : positive creates jobs ; negative things are destroyed.20) banks started failing in other countries before ours did. It led back to us.21) good way to determine how healthy nations economy is22) you spend money on new things business will spend more money on buying new machines and factories23) Very severe recession causes unemployment, natural resources without use, business go bankrupt, people hoard money25) federal reserve lowers interest rate26) up and downs of GDP28) people got loans they couldn't repay. Once their job disappeared they couldn't pay back loans.29)  the credit and loan policies of the federal reserve impact how much money people are able to borrow.31) if economy is good company will make more things vice-versa 33) a tax that imposes the same % of taxation on everyone regardless of income ex)a 10# state income tax34) basically little bits and pieces that make a final product. Excluded: value is built into final product36) supposed to report daily but actuall reported every 3 months37) count everything produced and give it a dollar value and then you add it up38) business discovers new way to make a product usally a way that is more efficient39) rich got richer, poor got poorer, middle class got hit the worst


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