Anatomy Vocab test-Nerves part 1 Crossword
1) the part of the central nervous system contained in the cranium. Is the largest and most complex nerve tissue and controls sensation, muscles, activity of glands, and the power to think, sense, and feel2) Are whitish cords made up of bundles of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue, through which impulses are transmitted3) Are extensions of a neutron through which impulses are sent away from the cell body to other neurons, glands, or muscles4) Consists of the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial nerves.6) Also known as afferent nerves carry impulses or messages from the sense organs to the brain, where sensations such as touch, cold, heat, sight, hearing, taste, smell, pain, and pressure are experienced7) Also known as efferent nerves carry impulses from the brain to the muscles or glands. these transmitted impulses produce movement9) Also known as nerve cell, is the primary structural unit of the nervous system, consisting of the cell body, nucleus, dandrites, and the axon. |
5) is a system of the nerves that connects the peripheral (outer) parts of the body to the central nervous system; has both sensory and motor nerves.8) Part of the nervous system that controls the involuntary muscles; it regulates the action of the smooth muscles, glans, blood vessels, heart, and breathing.10) The scientific study of the structure, function, and pathology of the nervous system 11) is an automatic reaction to a stimulus that involves the movement of an impulse from a sensory receptor along the sensory nerve to the spinal cord12) Is the portion of the central nervous system that originates in the brain and extends down to the lower extremity of the trunk.13) are tree-like branchings of nerve fibers extending from the nerve cell that carry impulses toward the cell and receive impulses from other neurons |