Myth 2nd Crossword
Down: 2) evil; atrocious , abominable 3) a wicked person or villain 4) condition of being marked with stripes, steaks, grooves; any series of parallel lines8) beliefs as to the truth of something9) an aura of mystery, power, and awe that surrounds a person or thing13) a person who is not welcome14) unintentional; caused bu a lack of attention 15) 1. to belittle; decry 2. to lower in reputation ; discredit 17) conforming to accepted standards 19) first or original 20) loyalty; faithfulness; allegiance 21) showing excessive; pride; haughty; disdainful 23) any controversy hat attracts great public attention 26) to instruct or benefit especially morally or spiritually 28) to infinity; endlessly; without limit 29) a conference or discussion 31) frugally restricted or meager manner of living 32) the most powerful, rich, gifted, educated members of a society/ community 34) for the special purpose that is presently under consideration 35) highly offensive; deserving or causing hatred ; hateful; detestable 36) highly excited by eagerness, curiosity , anticipation 39) tending to believe or trust too readily; gullible 40) absolutely trustworthy or sure; unfailing 41) of doubtful authenticity; probably not true 43) to cut into; engrave; carve 45) to be superior in strength, power, or influence; to be widespread or exist everywhere 46) willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired ; contrary 49) to turn away or aside Across: 1) to urge; advise or caution earnestly 5) a minute particle; trace amount 6) lacking confidence in one's own ability, worth; or fitness 7) given to seizing for plunder; greedy10) briefness or conciseness especially in speech11) any very wealthy, influential, or powerful person12) 1. a record of a family's ancestry 2. the study of a family's ancestry and history 16) intended for instruction; intending to teach a moral lesson 18) an indirect suggestion or hint, especially against someone 22) to tear or rend apart 24) the highest point of something; apex; summit; top25) unfaithful or disloyal to a belief, duty, or cause 27) improper or corrupt behavior in office especially a public office30) 1. to lesson in value 2. to belittle33)  a small group of secret plotters against a person in authority 35) the parts of a butchered animal that are considered inedibleby human beings37) not open to question or dispute; indisputable 38) 1.not spoken 2. not openly expressed but implied or understood 40) strong enough to withstand attack; unconquerable 42) a long, angry speech44) :an ancestor :originator 47) something evil that spreads and corrupts 48) like a beast; without reason or intelligence; brutal; inhuman 50) a conflict of a complicated or bitter nature 51) treacherous; disloyal 52) characterized by plundering robbing53) asserted; supposed; suspect 54) nerve; audacity; gall55) to scold angrily and at length 56) to fill with delight or wonder; enrapture 57) a feeling or attitude f deep respect finger with awe; veneration


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