Exam#3 anatomy & physiology Crossword
1) heart and blood vessels [pumps and transports blood throughout the body. the blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removes waste from the tisues.]2) lying on one's stomach, facing downward3) eyes, ears and the parts of other systems involved in the reactions of the five senses.5) above another structure [ex: the stomach is superior to the large intestine.]6) lying on one's spine, facing upward7) niddle or near the medial plane of the body. [ex: the nose is medial to the eyes.]11) contains portions of small intestines and colon, right ovary and fallopian tube, appendix, and the right ureter.14) to the side [ex: the eyes are lateral to the nose]15) right lobe of liver, gallbladder, portions of the pancreas, small intestines, and colon20) glands [secrete hormones forr the regulation of many of the vody's activities.]22) near the point of attachment to the trunk [ex: the proximal end of the thighbone joins the hipbone.]23) the two regions near the waist (sides)26) made up of bones. [supports and protects the body and is the body's framework. without a skeletal system, our bodies would just be a mass without shape.]27) on or near the surface [ex: a scratch on the skin] |
4) contains portions of small intestines and colon, left ovary and fallopian tube, and left ureter8) all the organs of digestion, absorption, and elimination of waste. [the digestive system is nevessary for the normal intake of food and water into our body,]9) below another structure [ex: the vagina is inferior (or below) the uterus.]10) divides the body horrizontally into a top (or superior) and a bottom (or inferior) part.12) brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. [the nervous system regulates most body activities and sends and receives messages from the sensory organs.
13) the area just below the umbilical region16) body is standing feet erect, facing forward, with arms at the sides and the palms facing forward.17) kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. [it eliminates metabolic waste, helps to maintain acid-base and water-salt balance, and helps regulate blood pressure.]18) lungs and airways [supplies the body with a constant supply of oxygen, which is vital for life.]19) contains the thoratic cavity [which holds the heart, lungs, and najor blood vessles.], the abdominal cavity [which holds the organs of the digestive system and urinary systems.], and the pelvic cavity [which contains the reproductive system. it is seperated into two parts by a muscle called the diaphragm.21) the back side of the body24) left lobe of liver, spleen, stomach, portions of the pancreas, small intestine and colon25) the area above the stomach28) the two tegions just below the ribs, immediately over the abdomen.29) the region surrounding the umbilicus (navel).30) the lymph, the glands of the lymphatic system, lymphatic vessels, and the nonspecific and specific defences of the immune system. these systems help to protect the body from infection and disease.]31) divides the body into two parts, left and right. if the plane divides the body into equal left and right parts, it is called the "midsagittal plane."32) skin and the accessory structures which are hair, nails, sweat glands, and oil glands. [the skin is the largest organ and serves to cover and protect the body.]33) divides the body into anterior and posterior sections34) on the back side of the body, it divides into the cranial cavity [holds the brain] and the spinal cavity [holds the spinal cord].35) the front side of the body36) controls reproduction and heredity. the female reproductive system consists of ovaries, vagina, fallopian tubes, uterus, and mammary glands (or brests). the male reproductive system consists of the testes, penis, prostate gland, vas deferens, and seminal vesticles.37) away from the point of attachment to the trunk. [ex: the distal end of the thighbone joins the knee bone.]38) muscles and cartilage [provides th body movement. witout muscles, we would not be able to move.] |