Renaissance Crossword
1) developed a printing press that used movable type, which was later used to print the Bible in Latin2) effort to stop the spread of Protestantism and to reform the Catholic Church from within4) movement against the Roman Catholic Church5) those who protested against the Roman Catholic Church6) greatest writer in the English language who wrote poems and plays7) a way of thinking and learning that stresses the importance of human abilities and actions |
3) expert painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, engineer, town planner, map maker, and made detailed drawing of plants, animals, and machines8) designed buildings, wrote poetry, carved sculptures, and painted magnificent pictures. One of the most famous pieces was the Sisting Chapel in the Vatican9) means "rebirth" and refers to the period after Europe's Middle Ages10) challenged the traditional structure and power of the church. Wrote 95 Theses, which contained complaints about the church. |