Vocabunit14 Crossword
1) Cheerful willingness, promptness, dispatch, celerity, brisk and eager action3) Very talkative, wordy, fond of talking, gossipy, voluble, garrulous, long-winded4) Not easily roused to feeling or actionslow-moving, sluggish, unemotional, lethargic, indolent, torpid, stolid, impassive5) To make clear or manifest, to clarify, explain, interpret, expound, explicate8) To make more keen or eager to sharpen, put an edge on, hone, excite, stimulate10) To regard or speak of slightingly, to belittle, to undervalue, degrade, decry, run down, underrate11) Generous in treating or judging others, above, small meanness, unselfish, charitable, noble, bighearted13) The exact opposite, a sharp contrast, contrary, antipode15) Amusingly odd or comical, humorous, whimsical, zany17) That which is uttered or proclaimed by authority as a rule of action, command, decree, proclamation |
2) To fill with dismay or horror, shock, stun, stupefy, horrify6) Full of animation and spirit; lively, sprightly, full of energy, ebullient7) To praise in words or song, hail, extol, glorify, exalt9) To make void, as an act, by the enacting authority or a superior authority, to repeal, cancel, withdraw, revoke, retract, annul, abrogate12) Expressive of positive command, as distinguished from merely directory, required, obligatory, compulsory, requisite, imperative14) Indescribable, ordinary, not outstanding; not easily classified, plain, unremarkable, unimpressive15) Harsh or disagreeable in sound, not in harmony, at odds, grating, strident, unmelodious, irreconcilable16) To make less burdensome or less hard to bear, to relieve, lighten, allay, mitigate, assuage18) To hang or droop in a relaxed manner, to act in a lazy manner, to lounge, to recline, loaf, loiter, sag, dangle19) Warlike; pugnacious, quarrelsome, aggressive, combative, belligerent |