MyRoots1 Crossword
Down: 2) around, both kinds or sides: amphivorous3) gills: branchiae, branchicolous5) tongue: pachyglossia, diglossia6) burn: eremacausis7) down: cation, catabiotic/against: catachresis8) liver: hepatitis, hepatomegaly9) feather:wing: pteridium, pterodactyl10) gently, slowly: eremacausis11) meadow: pratincolous14) under, beneath, down: hypoxis, hypoadrenia17)  upon: epiphyte; epiphysis18) step, go: gressorial20) purse: bursiculate22) yellowish: luteal, luteotrophic23) seed: seminiferous24) skin: cutaneously, cuticolor, cuticular26) milky lymph, juice: chylocauly, chyliform, chyluria, chycocyst29) mud: limicolous30) sheath, covering: coleitis, coleoptera, coleophora31) host, guest: hospitable, hostage32) bottom, ground, soil: edaphosauria, edaphology35) moss: muscoid; muscicolous36) beside, closely retaled to ,beyond, faulty: parabulia, paraldehyde39) mucus: mucocele, mucoid, mucous42) long: macrobiotic44) bare, naked: nudicaudate47) rotten, putrid: saprophyte, sapropel48) bark: corticolous, corticoline51) feeling: dysethesia, kinesthesia, anethesia53) boundary, limit, head: finish, final54) light: levity, levitate56) stone, rockpetricolous, petroporphy, petrohyoid58) work: ergasia, ergophobia62) fungus: mycetocolous, mycetoma63) heavy/weighty/serious: gravity, gravitation66) drawing: retractable67) castle, fort: castrametation68) wax: cerography, cerolite72) private, self-produced: idiotype, idiolysin73) flee: lucifugous, nidifugous75) fault, crime: criminal, crimogenesis77) swift: celerity, acceleration78) eat: voracious79) speak: loquitur, loquacious84) nest: nidicolous, nidifugous Across: 1) bank: ripicolous, riparian3) short: brachyskelic, brachychephalic4) touch: thigmotaxis12) one of of a group: allomorph, allotropy13) liver: hepatectomy, hepatocolic15) marsh: paludicolous, paludal16) tree:dendrophilous, dendriform19) ancient greek goddess of health: hygeian21) woods: silvicolous, sylvan24) tail: caudal25) ape: pithecan27) hair: pilosis, 28) healthy: insalubrious32) wool: eriometer33) bunch of grapes: botryoid, botryolite34) thigh: meralgia, merocele37) cold: psychrophyte38) sand: psammite, 40) sea: thalassemia, thalassocrat41) spotted: maculiform, maculicolous, macular,43) kidney: nephrology, nephrectomy45) cock: alectrion, alectryomancy/alectoromancy46) mankind: philanthropy49) war: belligerent, bellicose50) sand: arenicolous, arenaceous51) solitary, desert: eremology, eremophyte52) glass: vitreous, vitriolic53) leaf: foliicolous, foliiform55) agree, peace: pacific, appease57) truth: veracious59) green: viridian, viridigenous60) marsh: heleocharis61) red: erythrocyte64) tribe, race: phylography, phylar, phylogeny65) condition, disease: leukocytosis66) wheel: trochophora, trochoid69) pismire(ant): myrmecology, formicary70) cornea: keratitis71) both: ambiparous73) flour, starch: farinaceous74) cheek: buccinator, buccal75) run: cursor, current76) follow:80) grass: graminivorous81) prove/proof: probability, proband82) gold: chrysamine, chrysophyll83) leg: makroskelic85) heather: ericetal, 86) tallow/fat: sebaceous87) horn: keratin, ceratophyllus


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