Sociology Crossword
Down: 2) Expected rules and regulations of society. Created by William G. Sumner3) Order & stability6) Social Changes8) 1858-1917. French philosopher, journalist. Studied suicide. Was first to use statistical analysis. The higher the group identity the lower the suicide rate. Funcionalist.9) Owning class13) One of the causes of suicide-- Caused by society, state of chaos, rules aren't clearly defined, believe lives have no meaning. Things like hurricane katrina or economic changes can be a trigger.16) One of the causes of suicide-- Values the importance of self and detaches from others. Sets values too high for others to meet. Across: 1) When the parts work together there is stability in society. i.e. social statics4) Characteristics of a group that affect our behavior, external factors. 5) Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness7) Studies the lifestyles of a group and what changes have taken place within it.10) "survival of the fittest". Organisms that fit in the best survive and fourish.11) Working class12) 1841-1913. Paleontologist who studied fossils. Interested in social darwinism. Disagreed in one respect.. that human beings are different because of our language. Wanted to help people progress in society. Started ASA and is known as the father of american sociology. 14) 1818-1883. Was an economist. Founder of "communist manifesto". Saw the conflict in societies and between groups occurred between people who have power and those who don't. Society's economic state determines society's social, political, and national character.15) 1798-1857. Social evolutionist. "Father of sociology". Positivism. Believed that applying scientific methods as biologic scietists do to study social relationships promoted methods of observation and historical analysis.17) The philosophical study of society18) 1820-1903. Had theory of Social Darwinism. Believed that some people are naturally born to be successful. Believes that there is stability in society when the parts work together. aka functionalism.19) The need of the group is the function of the group. Without structure there can be no function.20) 1840-1910. American historian who was interested in social darwinism. Studied the class system of the rich and poor.


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