Anatomy Test #4 Crossword
Down: 1) rod function hambered due to a vitamin A deficiency-------rhodopsin deficiency; lose that ability to transmit visual information3) only in the CNS; involved in learning and memory 4) bundles of neuron processes in the CNS5) the highness or lowness of sound; depends on frequency; the shorter the wavelength---- the higher the frequency------the higher the pitch; low frequency------low pitch (longer wavelengths)8) elevated ridges of tissue 9) primary CNS tumor; arises from glial cells; can affect spinal cord, brain or optic nerves 11) stimulatory division13) a change in the environment14) detect pressure, touch, stretch, vibration 18) shallow grooves; between Gyri 21) convey stimulatory motor impulses to cardiac and smooth muscle 22) one process extends from the cell body and splits into an axon with a receptive region or end and a secretory region end.24) exhibited by wearing, smell and some sensory receptors; a reduction in sensitivity in the presence of constant (perfume you are wearing; after awhile you can't smell it anymore) 26) intermittent attacks causing the skin of the fingers and toes to become pale, cyanotic, and painful; commonly provoked by exposure to cold or stress; exaggerated vasoconstriction response.29) detect pain30) largest never, 3 branches; major sensory nerves of the face and motor nerves for chewing; mixed; largest (sensory and motor)31) unmyelinated, found everywhere; detect pain and temperature; encapsulated 32) hearing and balance: "auditory nerve"; mixed33) "pulley"; controls 1/6 of the muscles that move the eye; motor34) found within the cerebral white matter; made up caudate nucleus, putamen and globes pallid us; unclear role, but involved in motor control 37) supplies the diaphragm; part of the cervical plexus; enervates.38) propriprecptors found in the perimysium of skeletal muscles; detect when a muscle is stretched. 41) part of the brachial plexus; innervates palm pronate forearm, flex wrist and fingers, adduct/abduct medial fingers42) nerves split; some of the nerves left will go left and right; some of the right nerves will go left and right some of the left nerves will go left s and right and vise versa; you will get the full picture in the eye.43) course CT that surrounds each fascicle of nerve fibers. 48) unmyelinated fibers central in the spinal cord; peripheral in brain 50) sense of smell; sensory53) sense of sight; sensory Across: 2) some neurons of a group reconnect with others; continuous output signal 6) clusters of cell bodies in the CNS7) one fused dendrite; one axon; 2 extensions 10) chief motor nerve of the face, sensory impulses from taste buds of anterior tongue, involuntary motor impulses to tear ducts, nasal glands, salivary glands; 5 branches: temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical; sensory 12) inhibitory division 15) where an axon terminal is forming a connection with another effector cell; causing an effect 16) lets light enter eye; clear bulging part; major part of light beding apparatus of eye17) central core of forebrain; surrounded by cerebral hemispheres; 3 structures 19) primarily excites skeletal muscle20) found deep in the dermis and hypodermis; detect deep pressure initiation; deep touch23) part of the ulnar plexus; wrist and finger flexion.25) the majority of the outer fibrous tunic; white and opaque; protects and shapes eye ball and provides sturdy anchoring for extrinsic eye muscles. 27) losse CT that encloses each axon's myelin sheath28) abduction of the eye; controls 1/6 of the muscles that move the eye; motor35) accessory nerve to the vagus only motor; helper for vagus 36) herpes zoster (chickenpox) infection of the dorsal roots; skin lesions along dermatomes37) exit from the brain and sacral region of the spinal cord and travel to most organs. 39) only cranial nerve to extend beyond head and neck to thorax and abdomen; swallowing, heart, lungs, mixed nerve40) blood-vessel rich, dark brown membrane; 5/6 f vascular layer; absorb light, preventing it from scattering and reflecting within the eye44) deeper groves that separate large regions of the brain 45) vestibule (organ of balance) (utricle and saccule)-------3 semicircular canals and the cochlea (organ of hearing); innervated vestibular nerve and cochlear nerve; filled with endolymph46) bundles of neuron processes in the PNS47) dopamine, serotonine, norepinephrine affects emotional behavior49) increased pressure in the eye due to blocked drainage of the aqueous humor; blindness51) normally are "off" unless activated by some change in the environment; activated by stimulus 52) visceral sensory neurons that send pain sensations to the brain that are perceived as somatic ex: heart attack causes pain in the left arm; pain stimulus in visceral organ.54) most abundant; any other than a neuron is nervous system55) an olfactory disorder due to injury or zinc deficiency which is a growth factor for olfactory receptor cells; no sense of smell------killing olfactory neurons or a thick layer of mucous build up. 56) myelinated fibers; peripheral in spinal cord 57) proprioreceptors that monitor stretch in the capsules of synovial joints; provide information on joint position and movement.58) central cavities within the brain and spinal cord where CSF flows 59) thickening/ hardening of the lens------cloudiness; progressive60) found high in the dermis, especially in hairless areas; light touch receptors; capsulated 61) the number of waves per second (Hz)


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