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Mythology Crossword
1) anything believed to provide protection or safety, safequard origin:the statue of Pallus was prophesied to protect the city of Troy as long as it remained inside the city walls
2) describes laws, governmnet actions origin: Draco and Athenian legislator in the 600BC was noted for the severity of his code of laws.
4) a tall strong often masculine woman origin: In Homer's Illad, this race of female warriors was known for being extremely fierce fighters
5) A wise and faithful teacher, guide, and friend origin:faithful advisor to whom Odysseus entrusted the education of his son.
6) Merry, good humored origin: Chief roman god, husband of Juno god of the sky, weather and light
8) dark and gloomy origin: The principle river of the underworld in Greek mythology
11) Pertaining to war or military operations origin:March the first month of the Roman calender, was named after this god of war an fertility
12) a wise and skillful law giver origin: Athenian statesman and lawgiver, framed the democratic laws of Athens
14) Exhibiting changing rainbow-colors due to the interference of the light origin: Iris, the messenger of Zeus traveled through the skys wearing a sparkling rainbow colored cloak
17) a long journey or voyage origin: an epic poem attributed to Homer recounting the long wanderings of Odysseus
18) relating to or resembling a labryrinth origin: built to contain the monster Minotaur, maze of confusion
19) Quick and changeable in temperament; volatile origin: Mercury was the messenger to other gods and mortals
20) government by the wealthy origin: Pluto, a god ruling over the lower world
21) having great magnitude, force or power origin: any of a race of giant deities who areoverthrown by the Olympain Gods
23) To tease origin: Tantulus so offended the gods that he was condemed in the afterlife to an eternity of humger and thirst
25) delightful, blissful origin: the aabode of the blessed after death in classical mythology
28) Extremely loud origin: Stenor a greek herald in the Trojan war supposedly had a very loud voice; as loud as fifty men
30) achieved at excessive cost origin:King of Epirus who sustained heavy losses in defeating the Romans
34) Using or marked by the use of few words; terse or concise origin: the disciplined and militaristic Spartans were known for being blunt and using words sparingly
36) A sudden, unreasonable, overpowering fear origin:mental or emotional state induced by the god Pan
1) anything believed to provide protection or safety, safequard origin:the statue of Pallus was prophesied to protect the city of Troy as long as it remained inside the city walls
3) a bound collection of maps, often including illustrations origin: A titan, for his part in the titan revolt against the gods, is forced by Zeus to support the heaven on his shoulders
7) a very handsome young man origin: a man named adonis, very handsome, aphrodite fell in love with him
9) Of unusual size, power, or difficulty origin: relating to Hercules, a Mythical Greek hero known for his great stength
10) A loyal follower origin: A member of a legendary Thessalian people who accompanied their king Achilles in the Trojan war.
12) seductive dangerous woman; origin:A sea-nymph, described by Homer as dwelling between the island of Circe and Scylla that lured sailors onto the rocks with her enchanted songs
13) Divinely sweet, fragrant, or delicious origin: food of the greek gods, Zeus sent out his workers everyday to bring back this delicious substance
15) A fervent expression of joy or praise origin:Hymm of thnksgiving especially addresed to Apollo
16) origin:A goddess; divinity of chastisement and vengeance one that inflicts retrubution or vengeance
20) ruthless dsiregard of an indivual or special circumstances origin: a bandit either stretched or amputated a travelors legs to make the body fit the length of the bed
22) occult knowledge, astroloy, magis origin:Hermes the god who conducted souls to the judges of the underworld where ones's afterlife was determined
24) cold or steady in mood, slow to act or change origin:born or influenced astrolically by planet Saturn
26) lavish, luxurious origin: Lieinius, roman emporer had a reputation for luxurous banquets
27) involving a lot of drinking of alcohol, uncontolled behavior origin: A roman festival of Bacchus celebrated with dancing, song, and rivelry
29) protection, shield or breastplate origin: the piece of defensive armor or protective shield carried by Zeus
31) Very sleepy or inactive origin: ancient greeks believed that drinking water from the lethe would remove all momories and allow re-incarnation
32) Given to unrealistic fantasies; highly improbable origin: Chimera was a fire breathing monster with a lion head, goat body and dragon tail
33) a luminous phenomenon that consists of streamers of arches of light origin: The Roman goddess of Dawn
35) bitter criticism origin:speeches of Cicero against Mark Anthony speeches against Phillip
37) To bully or harass origin: Son of Priam, husband of Andromache, and trojan champiam slain by Achilles
38) an actor or actress origin: A greek poet
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