Anatomy Vocab Crossword
Down: 1) mucous membrane that lines the entire oral cavity2) convex area on the lingual surface of anterior teeth4) located within the bone of an arch6) the portion of the tooth that is visible in the mouth7) surface that faces the cheek of posterior teeth8) lower arch9) surface that faces the inside of the maxillary arch10) free gingiva that extends into the interproximal embrasure12) space between the free gingiva and a tooth15) elevated enamel that forms the mesial and distal borders18) connective tissue that secures and cushions the tooth in the socket20) toward the side21) gingiva attached tightly to the alveolar bone 23) part of the gingiva that is not attached tightly to the bone25) toward the midline29) extended areas of bone in each arch that are tooth bearing33) primary or baby teeth35) the dividing point of a multi-rooted tooth36) the imaginary line that extends from the crown to the apex37) vital tissues of the tooth39) toward the front40) surface that is closest to the tongue, both max and man41) cuspid42) hard part of a tooth, covers the crown44) main inner portion of the tooth under enamel48) tip of the root Across: 1) biting surface of the posterior teeth3) the area in which 2 roots divide5) the precise point where adjacent teeth touch9) the place where grooves come together and fissures cross11) depression between the cusps13) the portion of the crown that is covered by enamel14) rounded elevations on the chewing surface of posterior teeth16) the opening at the end of a root thru which blood enters17) when both primary and permanent teeth are present19) toward the middle22) the v shaped indentation formed where adjoining teeth touch24) tooth structure that covers the dentin on the root portion of a tooth26) natural teeth in their normal positions27) teeth shedding from the oral cavity28) away from the midline30) imaginary vertical line that divides the body in half31) each arch is divided into 2 halves by the midline32) surface that faces the lips of anterior teeth34) junction where enamel and cementum meet37) toward the back38) thin bone that lines the alveolar socket43) surface that faces the lips and cheeks45) gum tissue46) upper arch47) biting surface of the anterior teeth49) area in between teeth


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