Anatomy test 5 of 7 Crossword
1) corpus spongiosum, corpora cavernosa3) seminiferous tubules, rete testis, efferent ductules, epidiymis4) parasympathetic innervation6) vas deferens, testicular artery, pampidiform plexus, nerves10) quarter of a mile of tube12) enlargement and stiffening of the penis from engorgement of erectile tissue with blood14) wall of the scrotum and when contracts reduces surface area |
2) storage area, sperm become motile5) most of the semen7) close off the urethra and have difficulty urinating8) spermatic cord 9) semen11) muscle tube12) propulsion of semen from the male duct system13) seminal vesicle, prostate, bulburethral gland15) epidiymis, ductus deferenes, ejaculatory duct, urethra16) surrounds the urethra inside17) root, shaft, glans penis, prepuce18) where you produce testosterone19) covers over the testes and when contracts pulls the testes closer to the body |