Anatomy test 3 of 2 Crossword
2) during youth3) T cells and B cells4) out6) in7) T cells become immunocompetent. it releases a special hormone to help this happen |
1) the right arm, the right head and neck but does not do the bottom portion3) right lymphatic, and the left thoracic5) all spread out8) between the jugular and the subclavian9) because of infection, T cells and B cells are working too hard and with cancerous cells the cells are undergoing mitosis.10) filter lymph only blood11) the whole left side including the bottom of the right side12) break down red blood cells and store their iron, lots of platelets, red pulp, white pulp, T and B cells exposed to invaders here13) in intestine14) engulf, they become antigen presenting cells.15) T cells mature, where they become immunocompetent, they also decide that they will not kill self cells16) because when you have mono your spleen is enlarged which means that if you get hit your spleen will rupture because it has a thin outter layer. |