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Myth final Crossword
2) married to Menelaus , most beautiful woman in the world, granted to Paris by Aphrodite
3) king of Mycenae who gets an army together to get Helen back
4) Daughter of Agamemnon, daughter of Agamemnon who was sacrificed because Agamemnon got in trouble with Artemis and she demands that he sacrifices his daughter.
7) goes off on a quest to get the Golden Fleece (which is a ram’s skin made out of gold with golden hair) ; him and his men sail through the Black Sea which is very scary at that time , fell in love with Medea
8) son of Agamemnon who comes back from boarding school, goes to the oracle at Delphi, and Apollo tells him to kill his mother. He kills her lover, and then kills her. He starts to see furies at the end of the play.
9) author of the Iliad (740 B.C), which was composed in an oral tradition
11) considered one of the greatest tragedies, composed by Aeschylus. Consisted of Agamemnon, the Libation Bearers, and Euminides
12) Paris has to decide who is the prettiest between Athena, Hera and Aphrodite. Athena offers fame; Hera offers power, and Aphrodite offer the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen.
13) epic of Rome with a harsh endind; some scholars think that virgil was implying that rome has caused others pain (Turnis and Dido)
14) daughter of Zeus and Demeter; the Homeric Hymn to Demeter fully explains Persephone’s story.
18) guard of the entrance to the Underworld
21) goddess of love and physical desire -married to Hephaestus (he is very imperfect) -had MANY affairs
22) daughter of Aetes and sorceress; goes to Jason and helps him with his task because she’s fallen in love with him. Gives him fireproof ointment and tells him how to defeat the armed men. Also helps Jason steal the Golden Fleece and sails away with him
23) –reincarnation; foundation of Orphism; the trouble you faced in life was either punishment and/or a way to grow and eventually you would make it to ether (heaven).
24) in the mythological background, the Trojan war starts with the wedding of Peleus and Thetis . Zeus throws a wedding for them (humans and gods mingle), everyone is there, except the goddess Strife. She comes anyway and throws the Apple of Discord.
27) God of the Underworld
28) led by Hermes to the Grieneids (gray ladies; the fates from Hercules) who told him were the nymphs were, they gave him armor that will eventually help him behead Medusa; kills his grandfather,
30) author of the Aeneid; Rome wanted an epic, so Virgil wrote this. He composes it into two halves: Book 1 through 6 (Odyssean Aenied, journey to Italy) and Book 7 through 12 Iliadic Aenied (fighting in Italy)
32) player of the lyre and has a magical voice (the lyre is associated with Apollo, symbolizes rationality), married to Eurydice, until she dies on their wedding day and goes to the Underworld. He first encounters Charon and Cerberus. He finds Hades and Persephone and wins them over with the lyre so they give back Eurydice on the condition that he does not look at her before they leave and in one version, he looks back and she slips away forever. He is not allowed back. After years, Orpheus is wanted by the Maenads, but he doesn’t want anything to do with love, so they rip him apart. (This story signifies irrationality defeating rationality).
33) placed in Tartarus for trying to trick the death god and Hades , so they force him to constantly roll a boulder uphill
36) - in love with King Latinus’ daughter, who is supposed to marry Aeneas; he kills Pallas, who was entrusted to Aeneas, Aeneas goes into a rage and kills him
37) Founder of democracy
38) placed in Tartarus for trying to feed his son to the Gods, his punishment is to never be able eat again
1) goddess of weaving, wisdom, and war -Symbols are the owl, olive branch, snake, and aegis -the patron god of Athens -Main temple was the Parthenon
5) Achilles best friend who is killed by Hector in Achilles armor
6) Homer chose a bunch of stories about the Trojan War and united them under one common theme: The anger of Achilles
10) god of the sun, prophesy, music, medicine, and rationality -seen with a bow, lyre, or laurel -sometimes called Phoebus -most/one of the most handsomest gods -Second most popular god after Artemis
15) messenger god; god of fertility and athletics -seen with winged sandals and winged helmet -takes souls to the Underworld -carries an Asclepius
16) goddess of grain and fertility, had a rare “true love” relationship with Zeus, not a fling, from this came Persephone Eleusinian Mysteries
17) - literally meaning “in the middle of things”
19) were a non-Indo European folk who spoke an unknown language. These people were matriarchal and in power till about 1600 when Indo-Europeans took over mainland Greece; who were patriarchal who spoke a very early form of Greek. They brought Zeus and other Gods. The capitol of Crete is Knossos.
20) Agamemnons wife, kills him with the help of Orestes
25) goddess of the hunt, virgin goddess -associated with the moon, magic, and witchcraft -twin of Apollo; birthed by Zeus and Leto
26) She is mostly associated with mazes and labyrinths, due to her involvement in the myths of the Minotaur and Theseus. She would later help Theseus in overcoming the Minotaur and saving the would-be sacrificial victims.
29) a mistake made by the tragic hero that leads to his downfall
31) Father of Hector, Bonds with Achilles over a "fathers love" to get body back
34) a blind prophet -In one account, he accidently sees Athena naked. She blinds him, then feels sorry and gives him prophetic powers. In another version, he separates mating snakes, is turned into a woman afterwards, then after several years, settles an argument for Zeus and Hera. Hera blinds him, but Zeus gives him prophetic powers.
35) Greek historians who told stories about Romulus and Remus
39) god who is fathered by Ares and Aphrodite, love god
40) goddess of marriage, family, and childbirth. -depicted as vengeful towards Zeus’ lovers and children -Favorite city is Argos; favorite animal is the peacock
41) king of Sparta, Paris ends up taking Helen back to Troy after being invited over by Menelaus. Menelaus goes to his brother after this happens
42) a staff with ivy and pinecone
43) Argo
44) Founder of democracy
45) wine god, married to Ariadne; associated with drunkenness, dancing, exotic instruments, and wild animals & satyrs. Plutarch called him the god of the liquids (life giving elements). The Bacchoi were male worshippers; the Bacchai were women worshippers (maenads-crazy women followers). He had a human mother, Semele. Hera tricks Semele into convincing Zeus to sleep with her as if she was a god. Semele is burned to death, but Zeus takes Dionysus out the womb and incubates him in his thigh until is born/reborn as a god (Dionysus often had a hard time convincing others he was a god).
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