Myth final Crossword
Down: 1) goddess of grain and fertility, had a rare “true love” relationship with Zeus, not a fling, from this came Persephone Eleusinian Mysteries2) god who is fathered by Ares and Aphrodite4) god of the sun, prophesy, music, medicine, and rationality -seen with a bow, lyre, or laurel -sometimes called Phoebus -most/one of the most handsomest gods -Second most popular god after Artemis 5) a staff with ivy and pinecone6) player of the lyre and has a magical voice (the lyre is associated with Apollo, symbolizes rationality), married to Eurydice, until she dies on their wedding day and goes to the Underworld. He first encounters Charon and Cerberus. He finds Hades and Persephone and wins them over with the lyre so they give back Eurydice on the condition that he does not look at her before they leave and in one version, he looks back and she slips away forever. He is not allowed back. After years, Orpheus is wanted by the Maenads, but he doesn’t want anything to do with love, so they rip him apart. (This story signifies irrationality defeating rationality). 8) goddess of love and physical desire -married to Hephaestus (he is very imperfect) -had MANY affairs 11) goddess of weaving, wisdom, and war -Symbols are the owl, olive branch, snake, and aegis -the patron god of Athens -Main temple was the Parthenon 12) were a non-Indo European folk who spoke an unknown language. These people were matriarchal and in power till about 1600 when Indo-Europeans took over mainland Greece; who were patriarchal who spoke a very early form of Greek. They brought Zeus and other Gods. The capitol of Crete is Knossos. 13) goddess of marriage, family, and childbirth. -depicted as vengeful towards Zeus’ lovers and children -Favorite city is Argos; favorite animal is the peacock Across: 3) guard of the entrance to the Underworld7) a blind prophet -In one account, he accidently sees Athena naked. She blinds him, then feels sorry and gives him prophetic powers. In another version, he separates mating snakes, is turned into a woman afterwards, then after several years, settles an argument for Zeus and Hera. Hera blinds him, but Zeus gives him prophetic powers. 9) daughter of Zeus and Demeter; the Homeric Hymn to Demeter fully explains Persephone’s story.10) wine god, married to Ariadne; associated with drunkenness, dancing, exotic instruments, and wild animals & satyrs. Plutarch called him the god of the liquids (life giving elements). The Bacchoi were male worshippers; the Bacchai were women worshippers (maenads-crazy women followers). He had a human mother, Semele. Hera tricks Semele into convincing Zeus to sleep with her as if she was a god. Semele is burned to death, but Zeus takes Dionysus out the womb and incubates him in his thigh until is born/reborn as a god (Dionysus often had a hard time convincing others he was a god).11) goddess of the hunt, virgin goddess -associated with the moon, magic, and witchcraft -twin of Apollo; birthed by Zeus and Leto 13) messenger god; god of fertility and athletics -seen with winged sandals and winged helmet -takes souls to the Underworld -carries an Asclepius 14) God of the Underworld


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