Greek&LatinWordRoots4 Crossword
1) [L. im, not + per, through + via, a path] Not having a way through.2) [L. vigilare, to watch; to stay awake] Keenly watchful, especially to
avoid danger.4) [L. pre, before + scire, to know] Alt. pronunciation [PRESH-uhns]
Foreknowledge.5) [Gk. syn, together + khronos, time] To cause to move or operate
exactly together.7) [L. super, above; over + venire, to come] To occur as an unexpected
development.8) [L. subter, beneath + fugere, to flee] A deception to evade,
conceal, or escape.10) [Gk. ana, against + khronos, time] A person or thing not in the correct
time period.12) [L. omnis, all + scire, to know] Infinite knowledge.14) [Gk. eu-, good + phanis, to speak] Choice of a mild expression
instead of a harsh one.15) [Gk. khronos, time + -logia, study of] An order of past events.17) [L. super, above; over + videre, to see] To oversee.22) [Gk. khronikos, of time] Continuing a long time. |
3) [Gk. demos, people + agogos, leader + agein, to lead] A leader, especially an orator or politician, who gains popularity by stirring people’s emotions.6) [Gk. enthousiazein, to be inspired by a god from en, in + theos,
god] Lively interest in an activity or pursuit.9) [Gk. katekhizein, to teach orally] To instruct in Christian doctrine,
especially orally.11) [L. manus, hand + facere, to make] To produce goods.13) [L. ac, to; toward + cedere, to go] To agree to do what
people have asked you to do.15) [L. com, with + scire, to know] The inner knowledge of right and
wrong, guiding one to behave rightly.16) [Gk. paidos, child + agogos, leader + agein, to lead] A teacher.18) [L. fortitudo, strength; firmness] Bravery over a long period.19) [L. conscius, aware] Aware of one’s own existence, thoughts.20) [Gk. meta, change + morphe, form] In biology, an organism’s profound change in form from one stage to the next.21) [L. beatus, blessed] Relating to a state of celestial happiness.23) [Gk. synagein, to assemble from syn, together + agein, to lead]
A Jewish house of worship. |