Greek&LatinWordRoots3 Crossword
2) [Gk. polys, many + gamos, wife-taking] A plurality of wives.5) [Gk. polys + gonia, angle] Figures with three or more straight sides.6) [Gk. arktikos, of the north, from arktos, Ursa Major the bear] The
northernmost part of the world.7) [Gk. theos, god + kratos, power; strength] Government ruled by
religious leaders.10) [Gk. ethos, moral character + -ikos, in the manner of] A code of
moral principles, as of an individual.12) [Gk. geo, earth + kentrikos, pertaining to a center] Having the earth
for its center.14) [L. redimere, to buy back] To ransom by paying a price.16) [Gk. plethore, fullness] An excessive amount.19) [Gk. polys + phone, voice; sound] Music with two or more voices or
instruments in harmony20) [Gk. Lakonikos, person from Lakonia, the area near ancient Sparta,
where people’s responses were curt] Using few words. |
1) [Gk. syn-, together + pathos, emotion] Care for another’s feelings.3) [Gk. geo, earth + logia, study of] The study of the physical features of the earth and its history.4) [Gk. geo, earth + graphia, description] Deals with earth’s natural
features, climates, products, and peoples.8) [Gk. heros, demi-god + -ikos, in the manner of] Displaying brave
character.9) [Gk. syn-, together + phone, voice; sound] A large composition for an orchestra.11) [Gk. tekhne, method; system + logia, study of] Deals with practical
usage of scientific discoveries for life, society, and environments.12) [Gk. graphe, writing + -ikos, in the manner of] Of or pertaining to
drawing.13) [Gk. aristos, best + kratos, power; strength] A government ruled by a class of people who hold high social rank and privileges.15) [Gk. pathos, emotion + -ikos, in the manner of] Arousing a feeling of
pity.17) [Gk. logikos, pertaining to reasoning from logos, reason; idea; word]
A formal scientific method of examining ideas.18) [Gk. a-, without + pathos, emotion] Lack of interest especially in
important matters.21) [Gk. demos, common people + kratos, power; strength] Government
by the people’s elected representatives or by the people themselves.22) [Gk. an, without + arkhos, leader] Lack of organization and control
in a society due to the absence of effective government.23) [Gk. syn-, together + bole, a throwing] The meaning “throwing things
together” evolved into “something that stands for something else.” |