Greek&LatinWordRoots2 Crossword
1) [L. in, not + maculatus, spotted; defiled] Pure; spotlessly clean.2) [L. fidelitas, faithfulness, from fides, faith] Faithfulness; loyalty.4) [L. ex, out + claudere, to shut] To prevent someone from taking part.5) [Gk. pro, before + gignoskein, to come to know] A prediction.7) [L. in, not + peccare, to sin + -abilis, suffix: able] Flawless; faultless.8) [L. juxta, nearby + ponere, to put; place] To place side by side.9) [L. ante, before + cedere, to go] Preceding or prior.12) [L. inter, between + miscere, to mix] To become mixed in.13) [L. sub, underneath + scribere, to write] To give one’s consent.15) [L. in, not + animatus, animated] Lifeless.18) [L. in, not + trepidus, alarmed] Resolutely brave; fearless.20) [L. ex, out + mittere, to send] To send forth or release. |
3) [L. in, not + fidelis, faithful] An unbeliever.6) [L. re, again + animatus, animated] To refresh vigor and spirit.10) [L. de, down + jacere, to throw] Disheartened; demoralized.11) [L. male, badly + volere, to wish] With evil intent.14) [L. in, not + terminus, end + -abilis, suffix: able] Unending.16) [L. perfidia, falsehood + -osus, suffix: full of] Treacherous; deceitful.17) [L. de, from + partire, to part; divide] To leave.18) [L. ira, wrath] Rage; wrath.19) [L. iratus, angry; enraged, from ira, wrath] Angry; incensed.21) [L. in, in; into + lumen, light] Alt. pronunciation [ee-LOO-muh-neyt]
To brighten with light.22) [Gk. ekstasis, entrancement] A state of rapturous contemplation.23) [L. inter, between + ponere, to put; place] To place between. |