Chapter 12 Crossword
1) A method for learning to read in which children decode the sounds of words based on combinations (phonics).2) The testing controversy, biased against A.A. & people of low SES.6) Simultaneous focusing (centering) on more than one aspect or dimension of a problem or situation.8) Using or capable of using two languages with nearly equal or equal facility.
12) The principle that one category or class of things includes several subclasses (more dogs or animals?)14) Placing objects in an order or series according to a property or trait; made possible by transitivity, or 2 traits/properties (older).
19) Sounds of letters & letter combinations |
1) Street smarts3) Knowledge of the functions & processes involved in one's storage & retrieval of information (memory) as shown by the use of cognitive strategies to retain information.4) Originally a ratio obtained by dividing a child's score (MA) on an intelligence test by his or her CA, a score on a intelligence test.5) Abilities to invent, discover, suppose & theorize
The ability to generate novel solutions to problems. Flexibility, ingenuity, and originality7) Kohlberg, period during which moral judgements are derived from moral principles & people look to themselves to set moral standards.9) General Intelligence10) Learning by repetition 11) Heinz's dying wife and medicine moral decision13) Verbal ability, logical-mathematical reasoning, spatial intelligence, bodily kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, personal knowledge, naturalistic, existential15) Person's age16) Broken cups example based on damage done, Piaget's stage during which children judge acts as moral when they conform to authority or to the rules, of the game. Morality at this stage is perceived as embedded in the structure of the universe.17) The view in which cognitive processes are compared to the function of computers.18) Encode- to transform sensory input into a form that is more readily processed, Rehearse- repeat20) Group discussion & interactions to promote seeing things from another's point of view.21) The 3rd stage in Piaget's scheme, characterized by flexible, reversible thought concerning tangible objects & events (reversibility & decentration).22) The view that retribution for wrong doing is a direct consequence of the wrong doing, reflective of the belief that morality is embedded in the structure of the universe.