Historyvocab1-100 Crossword
Down: 2) A deadly disease that spreads quickly4) Handmade objects such as tools or weapons5) A group of people who have cities and government6) A huge stone structure with a square base and four triangular sides that meet in a point at the top; Egyptian rulers were buried in the pyramids7) A social class in India9) To rise up against a government; to refuse to obey the people in charge11) Independent city and the surrounding land it controls15) A belief that living souls are reborn in a new body17) The main religion of India; Hindus worship many gods20) A written agreement between two or more people21) A person from whom one is descended23) A complete change especially in the way of life or the government25) To get control by using force, As in a war26) A place of worship believed to be sacred or holy29) To honor and praise a god30) A story, often about gods goddesses, that is handed down through the years and something used to explain natural events31) A payment or gift demanded by rulers of ancient kingdoms33) The basic laws and rules of a government35) A person who gains control by winning a war 36) The dividing line between two countries37) A person who does hard work with his or her hands39) A wedge-shaped form of writing used in ancient Sumer41) Dry, sandy land with little or no plant life42) Growth of something43) A government that gives the people the ruling power44) To grow; to stretch46) A scientist who studies cultures of the past by digging up and examining the remains of ancient towns and cities47) A drawing that represents an actual thing; for example, a picture of an eye represents an eye48) To plan the course of a ship; to sail or steer 49) The ancient Israelite and Christian book that is thought to be holy51) A religion based on the teachings of Buddha55) The thing for sale or trade56) To set apart from others; alone60) A person trained to take part in competitive sport61) A person who has certain rights and duties because he or she lives in a particular city or town62) Having to do with a belief in a higher being63) A man made water way68) A writing paper the Egyptians made from water plants of the same name70) To bring together as one72) An open two-wheeled cart, pulled by horses73) The religion developed by the ancient Israelites that Jews practice today75) A female god77) An agreement, usually having to do with peace or trade79) A person whose job it was to write out copies of contracts and other important papers83) To attack suddenly; a surprise attack85) Dating from before the time Jesus Christ was born Across: 1) A group of lands all ruled by the same government or ruler3) A ruler who has complete power8) Feelings of hate or acts of war10) The owning of human beings with the belief that they are property12) A building used to honor and praise a god or gods13) A religious leader14) A system of writing using pictures or symbols to represent objects, ideas, or sounds16) A name meaning the “Enlightened One”; the name given to Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism18) To rule19) The practice of conquering of other lands forming colonies, or controlling the government and wealth of weaker lands22) Having to do with soldiers or the armed forces24) A family that rules a country for a long period of time27) A group of laws28) To change the words of one language to another32) Having to do with a government in which all people have equal rights34) The religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible38) To move from one place to another40) A person who moves from place to place45) From another country; having to do with another country50) A first-hand account of a historical event52) Knowing the truth53) Something that blocks the way; a wall54) Someone who writes about the past; an expert in history57) Business and manufacturing58) Money paid to support a government59) The hill on which the people in a Greek city built their main temple64) To choose leaders and pass laws65) To bring water to dry land by means of canal66) In the direction against the flow of the river; at the upper part of a river67) The surrounding of a city by soldiers who are trying to capture it so that food, water, and other supplies cannot get in or out69) Self-governing, separate, free71) A person who buys and sells goods for a profit; a trader74) A law or order, most often a religious law76) The way of life- religion, ideas, arts, tools- of a certain people in a certain time78) The record of past events and the story of what happened to people in the past80) A person who rules a group of different countries, lands or peoples81) A group of people who listen to the facts and decide if a person on trials is guilty or not guilty82) The use of land for growing crops and raising animals; farming84) A ruler of ancient Egypt86) To fall apart87) The art of building88) A wall built along a river or sea to hold back the water from low land89) An area of low, wet lands90) A city or town where the government of a nation or state is located91) A dead body kept from rotting by being treated with chemicals and wrapped in cloth92) To make something


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